My favorite fictional female character is Toph Beifong from ATLA, and I think the show she from has an amazing female cast?

What about you?

  1. Favourite fictional female character would either be Ripley from Alien, cause she’s a total badass, or Sarah Connor, for the same reasons

    I’d have to agree with you about ATLA, it has a really good female cast, another is The Witcher game series, the female characters in there aren’t too badly written, and I like Triss.

  2. Started writing and couldn’t pick, here are a few:

    Willow from Buffy the vampire slayer. That show had a great female cast too.

    Avasarala from the expanse, she’s awesome. Also a good female cast.

    Lwaxana troi from star trek TNG.

    Kaley from firefly, which had a pretty decent female cast, I almost picked Zoe but Kaley is just too perfect.

  3. Favourite? Scully from X-Files.

    Show? X-Files as well. Mostly because women there never appeared as damsels in distress. At least not in my memory.

  4. Naomi from the Expanse is way up there. She’s a very well written character.

  5. Ron Swanson – recipient of the Dorthy Everton Smyrhe Female Empowerment Award at the Indiana Woman of the Year Ceremony (Parks and Rec)

  6. Diane Lockhart on *the Good Wife* and its spinoff *the Good Fight*. Also both those series for casts.

  7. Penny from the Big Bang Theory and The Golden Girls (on great female cast).

  8. Eve from the Mummy series. First one she is a bit of a clumsy bookworm who is basically there as a generic love interest but develops throughout the movies (and in the time between them). By the end of the second movie she is as good an adventurer as her husband and still retains her smarts and is shown to be a caring and loving individual who knows when to get to business. As for the show I’m drawing a blank right now but I’ll get back to this later.

  9. I agree that Avatar had many amazing female characters. And I could easily choose one of them as my favourite.

    But for me, it has to be one of the Claymore warriors, perhaps Irene.

  10. Sarah Connor (the Linda Hamilton version). Went from meek and afraid to a baddass and got more character growth in T2 than most most actresses get in an entire series. The scene where she is doing chin-ups in her cell completely sets the stage for what her character is going to be. And yes, she really did get ripped for the movie (James Cameron is notorious for putting his actors through physically gruling shoots).

  11. Chrisjen Avasarala: most badass female character ever written, and perfectly portrayed by Shohreh Aghdashloo in the tv series.

  12. It’s gotta be Lt. Ellen Ripley for me.

    As for shows, I’m pretty over the moon about the women in Wheel of Time. I’m very excited for the next season and some of the cast.

  13. Aethelflaed, in The Last Kingdom. HBO’s Rome had a very good female cast.

  14. Favorite woman fictional character would probably have to be Commander Cheris from the Machineries of Empire trilogy. She out maths the whole galaxy.

    I’m gonna go off the grid here and say Attack on Titan. That’s one of the few anime I can mention that don’t sexualize the women. All the women are strong characters who can fight and strongly written.

  15. Ellen Ripley.. One bad ass mofo. Played by Sigourney Weaver, one bad ass mofo.

  16. Phryne Fisher of the Ms. Fisher Murder Mysteries, Australian series. Essie Davis is a superb actor

  17. Major Kusanagi – Ghost in the Shell.

    Mad Men had amazing female actors, in fact, I think I enjoyed that show more for the women than the men!

  18. Sarah Connor, Terminator 2. Greatest movie I’ve ever seen. THAT’S how you do a strong female character.

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