I feel like I had to grow up alone. Lost my dad and now had to work for family. i lack social skills and almost got booted out of my job because i lack them.

the thing is I am not worried for myself. i have family that i have to pay for school for. but because I lack social skills i was almost booted out.

they said i have social skill difficulties. it is saddening because i want to get better but i can’t afford therapy.

i feel so lost and hated it. I have no idea how people even are good with social skills. how do people do it. and the fact that they take their social skills for granted too.

  1. Everything is a muscle dude just go through some courses online if you cant buy them, even I was like you, in the starting it will be difficult for you as it’s something new you trying to do but take on 90 days challenge. Do developmental detour(it’s doing things that you normally won’t do but you doing it in order to become the kind of person you want to be) basically means being not you in order to become what you want to be
    Eg:- like you love eating sweets so for 90days you won’t touch sweets control yourself be not you in order to become what you want to be
    David tian:- you can look for him for learning communication skills and stuff, you can find him on YouTubYouTube
    And for Loneliness part
    We all are alone it’s nothing to be sad about we came alone we will die alone. I suggest you to do meditation . Coz I think u might’ve become little bit needy and you have to solve your neediness issue first other no matter how good you are at socializing you won’t get any real connections if you are needy.i heard somewhere that “Be like sun, he gives us so many things and doesn’t need anything in return”.

  2. Therapy would be the best workaround but if you can’t, You can maybe develop social and relational skills going out of your comfort zone and try to put you in situation where you have to pull out resources you surely have but don’t know how to use. Go out more, socialize more do as much things as you can, and remember that it’s normal to have a fear, but courage is the willpower to overcome it.

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