So I just moved to SF from Dallas (moved out of my parents house) for work! I’m on Hinge meeting new people and I’ve had a few solid dates so far. The guys I’m seeing are of south Asian descent (small community in Cali so people are interconnected). Anyways, I haven’t had my own place (been able to invite guys over) and explore my sexuality like this. Basically one of the guys I’m seeing is definitely FWB material and nothing more so we hooked up after our first date which was a fantastic night. Since then we’ve been talking about doing it again, but the other guy I’m dating is actually husband material so I’m not sure if I should stop messing around. Yes, we’ve only been on a few dates so I’m not really sure how to navigate sexual encounters on the side. Has anyone been in this situation before? I don’t know who knows who so I’m worried the guy I really would be with will find out I was sleeping with someone else. We both decided we wanted to wait a few dates to have sex. Advice?

1 comment
  1. So you’re pretty much asking us how to have your cake and eat it too?

    I’ll be honest with you. Personally I wouldn’t be happy to date someone who gives it up to someone else with little effort but makes me wait and put more effort for my slice.

    Why don’t you tell the husband material dude that you are sleeping with another guy. Honesty is key. I would assume south asian communities gossip a lot. Good luck.

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