There’s lots of advice about breath control, CBT, exposure therapy, etc. and I’ve done all that and made progress. But sometimes you’re just thrown into situations where you meet new people unexpectedly, e.g. going to get breakfast in your pjs and finding one of your 6 roommates’ guests there on the couch. And it’s like you lose control of your body completely – jittery flitting eye and head movement, audible inhales, blushing, awkward fake smile and clumsy “oh hi how are you nice to meet you” (exactly like that – a run-on sentence), you name it.

Please feel free to relate or offer advice, whatever you like. Honestly, so many times I feel like it’s just me who reacts so loudly and visibly (other people seem to get quiet and still). It would be nice to know I’m not alone 😂

1 comment
  1. I do the same! I can’t always control my flustered self, i definitely act a fool. That being said, I think the biggest thing here is radical acceptance. We are all just messy humans, you cant expect everything to go perfectly. Let go. You’re doing the best you can! ❤️

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