Been friends with this boy (31M) for over a year and we’ve always got on, he has an on and off girlfriend, the last 2 months we got closer over text then he asked me on a date 5 days ago… he refused to talk about he’s girlfriend and I didn’t think about it if I’m honest, we slept together and he said how much he liked me.
I rang him later on in the day and I said I’m sorry but I should of asked, are you still with your girlfriend, he said “yes iam but we barely see one another and things aren’t good, when we had sex last it felt empty but felt right with you and I didn’t even think about her”

2 days later he comes over to mine, we hang out, had sex and he tells me “I’m going to tell her tonight that Iv met someone, she won’t be happy but I really like you”
I text him later on saying if you sleep with her that’s going to really hurt me, he ignored it.

This morning, he texted me saying “I couldn’t do it” I asked why and he said “wasn’t the right time.”

I rang him, I said are you staying with her and he said “I can’t now cause of what’s happened”
he said they went to a party so wasn’t alone then she came back to hes home and it didn’t happen, I asked if they had sex and he said “yeah” and I said “bye” and hung up.

He’s turned he’s phone off. I know he feels guilty and I know he really likes me.

Why did he do all this? What should I do?

  1. You’re just a piece of ass to him. Best to move on. Don’t continue helping him cheat. It’ll never be the right time for him to leave his gf.

  2. I’m sorry but you’re an absolute idiot. You willingly slept with this guy after he said he had a girlfriend. You’re the worst kind of person and he’s a scum bag. Do better.

  3. I refuse to believe this is a serious question.

    If you don’t already know the answer you are too naive for dating.

  4. He’s cheating on his girlfriend with you, he definitely isn’t broken up with her

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