When were you the hero of someone else’s story?

  1. Probably when I gave my taco to a homeless man. I’m sure he thought I was a standup lady.

  2. When I overheard a group of ravers saying how much they wish they had gum & then whipped out a package of Trident for them.

  3. When I got my past student with severe disabilities shoes that fit. It’s a long story, but no one was taking care of this little girl. The relief on her face and the hug that came with tears was absolutely worth it. After many reports and documentations, she is now in a better home.

  4. I yelled “is this anyones bag?!” It was sitting on a bus bench. A girl turned around and grabbed it and thanked me profusely, she looked so relieved. I can’t believe that in a huge group of people only I, an extremely socially anxious girl, asked… It took a lot of willpower to say anything and I’m proud I managed to though.

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