Women who chose STEM field, what were some of the difficulties imposed by society you faced during your journey?

  1. Not being taken seriously, being told i was there because of affirmative action (I’m also PoC). I also struggled at first to believe I belonged because a lot of my peers fit the stereotype and I didn’t. I was also always expected to perform and prove that I belonged

    I just graduated w my bachelors in ChemE and am going into a BioE research program. A lot of this died down or went away after the first couple years cuz I stopped putting up with other peoples’ bullshit

  2. I was either the only girl in my class or maybe had 1-2 other girls for basically every computer science class. Would get picked on by professors a lot or would have professors act like I didn’t exist.

    Always told “ur smart for a girl” whatever that’s supposed to mean.

    Got paid less than a male co worker that I trained. Almost got fired for bringing up inequality at work to a female HR director.

    Went back into IT after having a baby. Was indirectly asked if I plan on having more kids pretty sure to see if I would stay long term.

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