Just over a year ago I (17f) had a medical issue that led to me spiraling out. I pretty much left school (did online sporadically, did finish, thankfully) and developed a severe eating disorder. I’m currently in a partial hospitalization program trying to recover. I started antidepressants a few days ago and I feel like I’m on the right path. That being said, I don’t know anyone in my city anymore. I haven’t talked to my best friend in months, honestly I’m not sure if I want to. I’ve seen old friends on social media and it seems like my personality and where I’m at is so different from the people I used to associate with. When I was dealing with the height of all of this stuff, I ghosted everyone. It took me months to reply to people. I was sick, but people didn’t understand the extent, so I’m pretty sure I came off as an ass. How do I start making friends again? It’s summer break, so school isn’t an opportunity atm. Any suggestions?

1 comment
  1. I’d try to figure out who you are and then find people who you’d like to be friends with. Summer is a great time to make friends, there are countless of things you can do to put yourself in social areas where you are more likely to find/make new friends. Also, I think your limiting your confidence by caring too much. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with caring about others, unless it comes at the cost of yourself. Don’t worry or care at all about losing friends, you’ll make and lose tons of them. It’s just part of the process, but in the end you’ll pull out on top and get what you want if you just keep showing up!

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