A guy i am seeing for last 4 month just told me he had an affair with a MARRIED woman. They used to date but she got married but still they are in touch . he went out to grab a coffee with her recently. He said it was just a hangout nothing else happened but i cant trust him . so this is actually bugging me than he still kept touch with this woman.

About me: I had a bad past relationship history my ex cheated on me so its even harder me to trust anybody again

I like him a lot but this is something i am unable to compromise and i cant hurt him right now as he is also going through a rough time in his life.

  1. Cheating is something hard to get over with
    If he can do it once he can do it again
    Just break up & find someone new

  2. It sounds like his morals don’t align with yours.. I’d not go further with the relationship.

  3. You need to go with your instincts. He has shown you his character, he had no problem breaking up a marriage and to me that says a lot about a person. Then add on the fact that he is still in contact with her even though she is remarried and he is in a relationship. You’re only four months in so it won’t hurt as much now as it would later on if you were to find out something is happening. The thing you need to ask yourself is if you can be in a relationship with someone who you don’t trust? And if you were to choose to stay could you support him continuing being in contact with her?

  4. Not only that, but they were probably having the affair during her relationship and during the engagement.

    Better to move on.

  5. If you can’t trust him there’s not much you can do to make this relationship work.

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