If the US were forced to give up territory in a war, what region would you sacrifice?

  1. This is why we invented the false state of Wyoming. Gotta be 10 steps ahead my dude.

  2. This post is everyone’s chance to give up their rival state in jest.

    The truth is, none.

    Americans will not give up any of it. We all hate each other until someone from outside the US decides to mess with anything US.

  3. The little part of Minnesota that it only accessable by road from Canada

  4. Kansas.

    Nothing personal against Kansas… I just think it’d be funny for a foreign power to take over a State right in the damn middle of the Country.

  5. Give up my house alone, then I’ll declare independence and form my own country.

  6. If you’re talking strategic retreat and not permanent cessation, I’d go with the Aleutians. As the Japanese learned in WWII they’re hell to hold because of the weather alone. And out of the way enough that we can wait for the right time to take them back.

    Permanent cessation? Nowhere.

  7. Depends on who the war was with, I guess, but a nice inland state like Nebraska is my first choice just for the lols.

  8. I’d like to see the occupation forces try to keep Michigan, between the militias and the “can’t have shit in Detroit” memes manifesting on tanks.

  9. I wouldn’t be too upset by a union of the Mexicos. They are both chile loving people.

  10. New Jersey and the city of Philadelphia.

    Why? Because the foreign power would think they won something, but would come crawling back a week later begging America to take them back.

  11. There would be enough blood to cover all of West Virginia before an inch of it was taken.

  12. Florida. Not that I have anything against Florida, I just want to know how long it would take for a foreign power to beg us to take it back.

  13. Go ahead and give them Florida, they’ll hand it back within a decade.

    *You* try pacifying that hellswamp for very long.

  14. The world will burn in nuclear hellfire before America gives up a single inch of its soil willingly.

    That’s our red line.

    We may temporarily evacuate it to a more advantageous position, but that doesn’t mean it was given up, it will be reclaimed. Japan learned this the hard way.

  15. New Jersey. We cannot be conquered by a foreign power. The ex USSR refugees here would like to see them try.

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