So initially I was thrown off with her wanting to meet since we work in two different departments and rarely cross paths on any projects ( I’m a sales engineer and she’s the implementation and onboarding manager).

The conversation started with her asking what I do as an SE , my qualifications for the job, and some of my background (kinda felt like an interview more than a vent). Then she went onto tell me about her role and how she doesn’t know SQL (which is a major part for her role) and how she felt that she should be compensated more for having to learn SQL since she believes that would technically make her an engineer.

As an SE who is an app developer and who also knows SQL I assured her that the language was fairly easy to pick up. Then she starts to imply how I must make more than her as an SE (which I probably do) but I neither confirm or deny this as I’m pretty sure your not supposed to share salary information with other co-workers. I then start to try to end the convo as I didn’t feel good about where it was going but she starts to ask me where I’m from and where I live and how she’d like to meet up in person one day. She also said she would want to have more private convos about “non-work related stuff” in the future.

I don’t want to jump to any conclusions but I think she might be interested in me as more than just a co-worker… but I’m too into my job to let that potentially interfere. Or, she’s lowkey jealous of me and wants to build a case against me lol which also wouldn’t surprise me. Either way I’d like to distance myself from her without coming off as rude or arrogant.

Background story:

I’m 26M she’s 31F. I started a at this company a week before she did, we are both minorities, and we are both the first SE and implementation manager for the company. She lives in LA and I live in Colorado but we both work remotely. We are both single but (at least I) aren’t looking for a relationship.

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