I am a hard worker (confirmed by supervisors and managers without my prompting) yet I make sure to remember my place as a common employee so I don’t ever, EVER tell other people what to do. I understand that I am responsible for my own work so I don’t get stressed about what other people are doing or not doing. Also my reputation at work is that I am always doing over and above my share so I have no reason to worry if anyone else is doing theirs. However, these coworkers are often short with me and even straight up ignore me sometimes when I ask them how I can help them (some tasks require at least two people). I’ve overheard one coworker say that she dislikes the new manager because he doesn’t say hello to her; this could easily apply to me although I am just a lower employee. I prefer to do my work and then have lunch by myself and it’s hard for me to chat while I work because I get distracted. I prefer to keep work at work and my personal life separate. I don’t ever ignore people, though, and I work very hard at being patient with people because I don’t want to be reprimanded by management. Also in real life I curse a lot and have a very dark sense of humor and the sensibility of people around here is very sensitive, so I don’t trust that I can be myself at work, which I have come to terms with. I think people see me as arrogant because I don’t talk to them recreationally, yet I will not change this, so I think it’s time to move on. I’ve had this job for a very long time and I’ve tried to purposely show that I respect my coworkers and am always willing to help them, but I feel like unless I try to be friends with them they will always dislike me and disrespect me by ignoring me and being short with me. I won’t change, they won’t change, so I think this may be the wrong job for me. I’m kind of disappointed, though, because I am really good at my job and I’ve finally found a way to enjoy parts of it. Oh well, I can’t keep being treated like this.

1 comment
  1. If you’ve been in one role more than 2 years, it does pay to get the interviewing skills tuned back up and have a look at opportunities.

    Also, you may want to practice the skills of managing acquaintances.

    This is a stage where you show mutual respect and a shallow relationship, discuss work sharing, discuss workplace and regional news, and people share hints about handling tricky customers.

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