I met this girl via a dating app and we got along quite well, we spoke on call for a few hours and decide to meet up for dinner. The date was pleasant, jolly, fun. She came across as a very sensible girl, down to earth, sweet, friendly, funny, pretty (add all the adjectives here, she was pretty great). I dropped her off and decided to call her next day.
When I asked her out again the next day, she politely rejected. On further probing she told me that I am way too rich for her and that’s the reason she doesn’t see a future together.
I don’t know how to digest this. Out of all the reasons I could phantom, this surely wasn’t the one I would have guessed. I respect her decision but still have a feeling I could make her see that money won’t be an issue. I don’t live rich, I don’t have expensive habits, I am not a show-off. Is there a way to make this work ?

  1. How does she know you are rich? Did you tell her or talk about your wealth?

  2. How did she know you were rich? I feel like something that happened in the date is a clue.
    Edit spelling

  3. You rich…..what’s the problem find the next one.

    This is a very weak excuse, and clearly she isn’t interested move on man. You will definitely find a next one🤷🏽‍♂️

  4. Assuming she’s being sincere, I can think of two reasons she’d say this:

    1) Maybe you talked a little too much too soon about how rich you were and she got the impression, even if it was mistaken, that you had a sense of entitlement that made her uncomfortable. You may not think you’re a show off but maybe she did.

    2) You live in an upper class social world in which she doesn’t feel like she’d fit in.

    And that’s assuming she’s telling the truth – she may have found something else that wasn’t going to work for her and didn’t want to hurt your feelings. In any case, she’s made up her mind. Move on.

  5. Doesn’t sound like you respect her decision. She made it known that that kind of lifestyle is not attractive to her and that she does not want to be part of it. Time to let it go and find someone that is a better match. Continuing to pursue this will only be a waste of time and add unnecessary stress.

  6. Find someone else? It’s been one date, who knows, maybe the rich thing is a nice way of letting you down and there’s something else, like you wouldn’t ever have time to be in a relationship because your work takes all your time. Or that you family is too emeshed and she doesn’t want to be judged for her background.

  7. You can’t make it work with this girl, she already told you “no”. I can get her, feeling to be “second class”, not matching etc. is not a cool one. She is a smart one.

    So either date someone from your level or brag a little less. Yes , “all the countries I travelled” is an expensive habit to have for most people.

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