How would you respond to finding out your partners been messaging someone she used to talk to on a dating app, added them on social media and made this invisible to you?

  1. At the very least a very serious conversation; I’m reading every one of their chat messages and if there’s any whiff of improper feelings or actions the relationship is done.

  2. She knows she’s doing something wrong by hiding it from you. I would ask why she is lying and what she wants out of communication with this person she is talking to. She’s already been lying by hiding it.

  3. Me personally I’m a vindictive dude, and given she still keeps coming to me for sex I’m obliging whilst solely focused on myself, given she opened Pandoras box and was punching above her weight with me anyway I figured turn about is fair play and I’ve been having myself some fun, and as a muscular fellow my DMs are always providing an abundance of opportunities.

    Bonus points for any additional suggestions of petty vengeance.

  4. That is dodgy as fuck, couple of reasons

    first off she’s not being honest with you

    secondly, she’s hiding an ex from you, not good

    and thirdly because it’s important she’s not being honest withyou, personally would kick her to the kerb as if there was nothing happening it wouldn’t need to be hidden, unless you’ve ben an absolute jealous dickhead in the past.

  5. Ask her if she’s prepping the surprise threesome for my birthday and I’m sorry I found out.

  6. Have sex with the interloping man. Look at woman in the eye. Assert dominance.

  7. Dump her cold turkey, don’t even give her reasons. She just failed the loyalty test.

  8. There’s only one reason she’d do this and I think you know what it is and what you need to do.

  9. Get rid and ditch that bitch quicksharp! I fuckn g hate the fact women use us as “back burners” until they find a new toy and move on. Fuck her right over from me please

  10. Breaking up with her. What’s a more appropriate response than that?

  11. Oof. Sorry man that must suck.

    Nothing feels better than absolutely cutting it off, let me tell ya.

    Don’t give her the satisfaction of thinking about her at all. Don’t waste any time worrying about what she’ll be doing next, about how she feels about you, about whether she might apologise or regret it.

    Just completely get gone. Not a word. Just 100% ghost that shit.

    Nothing compares.

    But I guess maybe that would give her what she wants, some form of finally being rid of you and not having to think about it herself… Oooh this is a toughy. I’d still go with Ghosting, personally.

  12. This is cheating. Don’t let her gaslight you into thinking it is not. Leave. She will do this again and at some point it will become physical.

  13. Lol dude let’s hear the vengeance plans! My ex cheated on me similarly….. she couldn’t afford the city we were in and I kicked her out…… she had to quit her job and move back home across the country with her parents.

  14. I’d feel betrayed. We’d be having a conversation about it.

    EDIT and I’d star taking steps to protect my finances, my property, and my health.

  15. That’s ground for having a serious talk. If you have to hide it from me then you’ve crossed that line. It’s over but i wanna hear about what made it ok to justify your actions.

  16. I’m married, so it’d be soon-to-be-ex-wife.

    For real though, it’d be a single conversation pointing out exactly why I don’t trust them anymore and why me and the kids would be out.

  17. Dude leave. Now. This is a major red flag. I went through this for two years being gaslit and made to think it wasn’t happening. She will cause major problems for you to get you to leave her. This isn’t a small thing, she literally has contempt for you.

  18. I think for the sheer amusement I would ask them to explain themselves and then dump them

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