My best friend (M30) and I (M25) are very close. Talking everyday online, we also hangout whenever we both have a free time.

However, things changed in the past months. Starting October last year, he was very busy for the bar exam so we stopped talking and seeing each other. Which is completely fine. But after he finished it last February, he is free again. Or not so busy, something like that.

I started reconnecting with him again. But something feels wrong. He’s not that much responsive to me anymore, sometimes he takes days or weeks to reply to my messages. I mean I understand if he’s still busy, but I’m also seeing his posts online with his other friends. It’s not really a big deal because I know he also have other friends aside from me.

Then twice I ask him out for a catch up, he declines or says he already has a plan. Although we were still able to catch up already few times recently. When we are together personally, it’s as if nothing changed. It’s still the same energy. It’s just that it bothers me or maybe I miss how we were before. Don’t get me wrong, I know we don’t have to talk everyday. I know people can change in just a short period of time. But I’m also kind of shy to initiate conversation with him online if he doesn’t return the energy even though I want to ask how he is or if he is okay. I’m also shy to ask him out again in fear of getting rejected again. I don’t know. Maybe I’m also afraid that he will leave me soon.

  1. If he’s your bestie then you need to ask him what the issue is because there clearly is one from your end.

  2. He could have someone hes trying to date or stressed or distracted with work or personally issues. The older we get, the more responsibilities

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