I am 19F, I don’t have the best relationship with my mother. When I was a lot younger, I was abused and neglected by her on several occasions. My father split up with her in 2006 because she was seeing other men in their marriage. I was stuck with her until my father won me and my half sister over in 2010.

She was quite rude later on in my life pretty much lieing to my dad and accusing me of doing things I didn’t do. Of course my dad never believed her. I let her attend graduation because she was my mom but she didn’t really seem happy to see me graduate last year and it really made me upset because I felt like it was the worst mistake I’ve did.

Should I try to maintain a relationship with my mother or keep my distance?

1 comment
  1. I have my opinion, but it’s your opinion that matters, not mine. So write a pro/con list, on one side write down all the great things she brings to your life and all the reasons to keep her in it, times she made you feel loved and appreciated. Then on the other side write down all the problems, worries or stresses she brings into your life, all the times she hurt you or made you feel unimportant. I think after you do that, it will be a lot more clear to you whether or not to maintain a relationship with her or keep your distance. And the good thing is, if circumstances change, you can always change your mind.

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