In our school each year a different class has to organize the school prom, and the chosen class also has to prepare a dance for the prom opening.

This year my class is making the prom. We are going to dance salsa in pairs. I like the girl I am dancing with but we don’t talk much. I figured the best I can do while dancing is just smile and look in her eyes. For some reason she doesn’t want to look in my eyes but never mind.

Obviously we have dance practises and between the dances we always take like a quick one minute break. The problem is while we have a break we don’t say a single word to each other and it’s just awkward. I tried to talk to her but quickly ran out of ideas because we have small breaks to often, as the class voted small breaks are better than having bigger breaks.

What would be good to talk about in a quick one minute break? The silence during breaks just feels awkward. I am not tired, neither is my partner. Others go drink some water, spray some deodorant, whatever, but we are just standing in the middle in silence.

I would appreciate some help to avoid the awkward silence. Any ideas what to talk about?

1 comment
  1. Ask about her: plans after school, dream job, where she would go if she could go in where in the world, like just ask her about something that she may have put ambitious thought into or passion into.

    People love talking about themselves so start there, with something about themselves they may find exciting.

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