Edit: And how many of those dates usually progress to a 2nd date or more?

  1. Ion use dating apps that’s weird to me. I usually go on 3-4 first dates a month.

  2. If you average out the total number of times this has happened during my entire life and then round up, it’s a hard zero.

  3. It was about 10-15 when I was using them. Now, I use dating apps for hookups because that’s all they’re good for pretty much.

    I met my last girlfriend at the supermarket.

  4. 1-2 when I was super active. Then again I was pretty picky.
    Nowadays I’ve taken a break and I’ll be coming back to it. So we will see.

  5. 1 a month. I m in my 30s now. Used to be some 3 a month in my 20s.

  6. Back when I used Tinder I had two or three first dates a year. But then again I’m polyamorous and said so in my profile which filtered out 95% of women already.

  7. Been on three first dates in the 6-7 years I’ve used dating apps on and off. That’s a pretty depressing figure, but it is what it is.

  8. I like to talk long enough with women online to know which ones I’m interested in, because I’m too busy to go to date and figure out at that moment if they are interesting. They are also more interested me already when we finally meet.

    As a result, most first dates I go to lead to something, even more than 2/3 I would say, so it ends the research for more dates.

    That being said, I’m looking for light relationships/sex so I’m not super picky.

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