What is the appropriate response to being called daddy out of nowhere?

  1. Like youre out in public and some kid runs up to you saying “daddy”? Run for your life! Someone is looking for a new baby daddy.

  2. Depends greatly on the context. If it’s a cute girl then it’s a plus. If it’s the overweight, elderly, male pharmacist then it’s a bit weird.

  3. It depends whose asking🤣 if its an age appropriate women flirting with me, more power to them.

    If its anything other than that, nooooo thank you

  4. “Yes My Child” in a very Pope sort of way, maybe give a sign of the cross

  5. One time, I was walking to a dance club, and some girls in a passing car said “heeeey daddy!”, so I turned to face their car and started walking backwards for a second to say “heeeey!”, and then a girl I was unknowingly walking backwards toward grabbed my butt and said “oh yeah”, and then she started making out with me. At some point I told her I need to meet my buddy at the bar, and I think she went with me, but she disappeared at some point.

    It was nice, I just went with it. Was unusual to get so much attention in just a few seconds.

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