Hello men I recently came across a podcast,very well known, that Basically explains on the first date women should be asked what they bring to the table. What does that mean to ask a woman that question, like what are the intentions there? Any feedback is greatly appreciated thank you.

  1. I think that sounds incredibly arrogant and self-righteous. If anyone asked me my credentials to go out on a date with them I’d pay for whatever I had ordered for myself up to that point and walk out.

  2. Sounds more like a question for a job interview than a date…. I can see why that could work out to be a good question, it does set the tone to make her feel like she should be trying to win you over. I would maybe wait until 3rd or 4th date to get into a question like that, but that’s just me…

  3. When i put my all in a relationship she will benefit. But i want that reciprocated. Where she gives her all to benefit me. In my experience there has been many women who expect everything but give nothing. But its not a question for the first date.

  4. Pretty sure they don’t mean ask DIRECTLY. That’s not a date, that’s a job interview. 😁

    What it means is, your goal on the first date should be to figure out what she’s prepared to contribute to a relationship. Is she independent and has a really good job? Then she’s probably going to contribute financially if the relationship got that far. Help went rent, help with bills, pay her half of mutual vacations, etc. Is she more of a homemaker? Maybe she can’t contribute much financially, but can help make dinner, clean, is good with money. Take a mental note and decide for yourself if this is the kind of partner you desire.

  5. If a man asks what a woman brings to the table what he means to say is “I am a piece of shit who is not worth your time”

  6. It is a question that is generally asked of men by women so they wanna flip it around.

  7. If either person asks that specific question in the first date, that’s an immediate flag. Wtf…

  8. No idea what this podcast is or what culture it’s refering to but I would assume they mean ask:

    What’s your vision of the future in a relationship and what your role would be in that (mariage, kids, work vs stay at home, job vs entrepreneur, monogamous or non, owning a house or not, travelling or setting roots etc).

    Seems really intense for a first date if you ask me, I would expect this was in the context of older people dating those who don’t have time to waste if they are to get their objectives done.

    While being super frank has its advantages I find that you can learn most of the hear answers just by listening to the other person and asking a few non invasive general questions about them.

  9. Is the podcast well known because it’s crap? What God damn awful advice ..

  10. It’s a question that men are usually on the receiving end of and with all the progress our society’s made, a lot of expectations haven’t changed. So, it’s like flipping the question in the opposite direction and saying: “Okay, you want X, Y, and Z and that’s fine, but what do you have to offer that would make me *want* to give you all of that?”

    A lot of the time the answer is sex or something intangible and vague. Regardless, take advice from dating podcasts, forums, and websites with grains of salt.

  11. The level if disconnect in here is palpable, lol. Essentially it’s asking a woman what she can offer in a relationship… Here is the deal, if she gets to ask and select a partner based on their income, height, ability to bring in resources, size of his house, how many cars he has, and etc. Then why doesnt a man get to ask women similar questions?

    A woman should 100% bring something to “the table”. So long as both adults have a discussion about their values and can come to a mutual agreement then things shouldn’t have a problem moving forward.

  12. I don’t think they ask that directly kind odd to ask imo. I think is is more in a general sense like what would you bring to relationship as a whole. Say you have a pretty comfortable life and go date you’d want someone who could bring more to what you already like complete it, bring more to it, etc. I think it is stemming from how toxic dating has kinda become and the societal standards that are trying to be upheld when it comes to idea of a relationship. I can kinda understand the where it come from with the crazy dates and interactions I’ve had over the years but at the same time know straight pursuing a relationship with that mindset won’t get you too far if you’re seeking anything other then sex. But there could also be more it I’m not accounting for on both sides I dunno me personal I just wanna chill out and eat my mangoes.

  13. I dont like to ask that cuz its really up to the person whether their date brings enough, not the other way around. A first date Ill just ask em about interests and what they do for a living to see what kind of person they are. How they answer tends to be more important than the answers themselves

  14. I don’t think that’s a good first date question to ask at all for either gender.

  15. That’s something everyone does over time by getting to know someone and asking questions that aren’t straight up what do you bring to the table lol that just sounds insane to ask someone. The whole process of dating is vetting someone to see if they’re a good match, you don’t just come with a list of things you bring and a list of demands ffs.

  16. because we’re looking for a reason to treat you as something other than an expensive cum dumpster.

    if we’re doing/providing everything then we have no other use for you than that.. and to be fair, if it drives, flies, floats, or fucks.. its cheaper to rent at that point.

  17. A lot of women with Jobs that pay bills and have cars are harder to please than prior generations. They believe that they don’t need a man, so they wont submit to a relationship.

    Relationships are supposed to be mutually beneficial. What benefits does a woman provide to the man? Its a given that the man will be paying and planing most of the dating and entertainment, Valentines Day, Christmas, Birthdays are asymmetrically beneficial in the woman’s benefit.

    So, what does a man get?

  18. What if she undoes her blouse and slaps her massive boobs on the table and says “your turn”?

  19. It depends on the build up to the question. This question will usually be used when discussing relationships and how each partner contributes to the relationship. There are some women out there who think that their “perceived beauty” alone is entitles them to attract the best men for long term relationships. They freeload off their partners and just expect to be treated as queens.

    So that question is usually for those specific women who exhibit those idiotic traits.

    But some people will bring that up out of the blue. Is that what happened?

  20. Women can bring youth, beauty and fertility. The table question is trying to find out if they offer anything else.

    This is obviously a very unpopular question.

  21. You don’t ask that. It comes off as demanding and accusatory. You do however, want to collect data points on a person’s behavior. As to evaluate the type of person you’d consider bringing into your world. Actions speak louder than words.

  22. Not saying it, but it is definitly in my head during the date if the goal is a long term relationship as opposed to a hookup.

    As you get older, the idea of casual dating loses its appeal. You don’t want to waste a month of your life talking and going on dates just to conclude they have nothing to bring to the table and that entering the relationship will just be a waste of everyone’s time.

  23. What? Dont ask that question, at least not directly. Better to be like “My job is x what is yours?” than to try and make it seem like a contest for your attention.

    As for your question, people might ask that because they don’t want to get into a relationship that might drain them/be worse off than if they are single.

  24. Had a girl brag that she doesn’t cook or clean. She also doesn’t make money so what does she being to the table? Drama. I don’t agree with asking at first date; that’s what dating is for: getting to know a person. Once you know a person is incompatible with you, then you stop dating.

  25. Many women don’t bring anything to the table. They think a man’s love is free (and therefore not worth much).

  26. Because many think they bring sex to the table… And that pays any obligation they have… Removong them from any other expectation including being nice or compassiomate. The point is that they have to be an active participant and contribute and not just sit back, choosing between guys like they are squeezing fruit at a supermarket.

    It doesnt mean that you demand a lot… You are just vetting out the attitude that their vagina covers up any other issues. By asking what they bring to the table, it sends the message that sex is not enough… She needs to sell other points like an equal.

  27. Honestly I don’t know why you would ask this unless the she was acting a little stuck up. Then I would ask this to take her down a notch, but not as a serious first date question,

  28. Because more and more often these days women expect a man to live in the 1950s as well as in the current year. He has to make all the money to support the woman, but then when he comes home he’s expected to do all the housework that the woman of yesteryear was once in charge of. This is on top of the ‘men’s work’ that men still have to do like yardwork and home repairs.

    Meanwhile, if a man expects a woman to live simultaneously in the 50s and the current year, he’s a backwards thinking misogynist who needs to respect women’s rights and blah blah blah hypocrisy.

    So it’s come to the point that men are starting to realize that they’re the ones that should be chased, and not the other way around. Women are no longer the prize. They bring nothing to the relationship aside from their bodies and ever declining attitudes, so men are learning to weed out the bad ones in search of a good one. Unfortunately, one bad apple spoils the bunch and there seems to be a LOT of bad apples out there.

    Source: an outside observer who caught on a loooong time ago.

  29. This a job interview question. Dating shouldn’t look like fucking job interviews smh I hate this.

    I’d say that men are pressured to “bring something to the table” and they feel that it’s unfair that women are not expected to do the same.

    But it’s fucked up to expect that in the first place.

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