What is your top quality in a women you want to date that isn’t a physical attribute?

  1. being present during the tough times and not walking out, kindness and just empathy along with genuine support

  2. Intelligence, quick wit/darker sense of humor, compassion, honesty, trustworthiness…

  3. Emotional warmth. Which I struggle with getting because of the kind of women I crush on.

  4. Empathy, goofiness, and loyalty, ability to communicate and work through problems rather than scrapping the entire relationship

  5. Sexual Positivity.

    I want someone that understands my sexual desire for her is a _good_ thing. Someone who rarely rejects me, but when she does, never tries to make me feel bad for initiating.

  6. Intelligence and empathy above everything else. I don’t care if she looks like an underwear model. If she lacks empathy, she is ugly.
    I don’t care if she is a rolly-polly little dumpling, if she has generous helpings of Intelligence and empathy, with a side order of general playfulness, it’s going to work out fine.

  7. Willing to actually contribute to the relationship, followed by some basic kindness.

  8. Intelligence.

    It’s a gentic trait that will be passed on to the children.

  9. That’s a hard one to pick. It’s between similar music taste, pure & unadulterated honesty and similar sense of humor. They’re all equally important to me, to be honest.

  10. I’ve all but given up on the concept of dating *but* loyalty and empathy would be swell.

  11. That she doesn’t need to get constant calls or texts through out the day

  12. Confidence. When a woman looks and talks like they are the real deal it’s almost impossible to not admire them.

  13. Genuine kindness. Not just being nice or polite, but a real concern for others.

  14. Trustworthiness.

    Will she gossip every detail about you to her friends, especially the ones that are strangers to you? If things aren’t going well (financially or relationship-wise), can you trust her to be faithful, if she’s states she wants to be with you?

    TLDR; is she a ride or die?

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