I (25F) have a casual friend (32FtM). We’ve known each other for about 7 months now. We have hung out several times but we aren’t close. We tend to be pretty quiet and kind of awkward around each other. We struggle to find things to talk about.

Well the other day he started to message me a *lot* more than he usually does. And today we hung out and we spent 6 hours together (by far the longest we’ve ever hung out one-on-one — usually we only spend an hour together or less).

I discovered that the reason for the change is that his best friend got a girlfriend and essentially ditched him.

After we hung out today, he sent me an apology for how he treated me, basically saying that he never appreciated me until now and that he should have been asking me to hang out more and stuff.

We talked about it and we both kind of just acknowledged that this whole thing is happening *because* our mutual friend friend-dumped him, but I said that it makes sense why he wants to reach out to me more now and that I don’t mind that he didn’t reach out to me often in the past and I have no hard feelings either way.

I felt fine up until this point, but then he said “Well, if you wouldn’t mind it, I think you’ll hear from me more often from now.” and for some reason I felt sick to my stomach. I don’t know where this feeling is coming from.

But this feeling has happened before.

I have another friend (32M) who I hung out with a lot, would go to his house and play video games with him, and would even cuddle with him sometimes. He would always hit on me and even ask me to make out with him and I’d just roll my eyes and say no. But one day, during our cuddling, he started to rub my arm, and it felt way too sensual and made me feel disgusted.

I was never able to cuddle with him again, and the thought of being close to him still makes me feel sick now even though it’s been 6 months since the arm-rubbing incident.

I’m worried that the same thing is going to happen with this friend. That that one sentence (that I’ll hear from him more now) is going to stay with me and I’ll never stop feeling sick when I think about our friendship.

I don’t know why I feel this way. I don’t want to feel this way. The only thing that is happening is that one of my casual friends wants to be closer friends. Why does that bother me? How do I stop feeling sick about it?

Note: It’s possible that part of why I’m feeling this way is that I learned my friend is pansexual instead of gay? Until today, I had thought he was only into men…

**TL;DR -** A casual friend suddenly wants to be closer friends now, and the change of pace makes me feel nauseous. What’s going on? How do I stop feeling weird about it?

1 comment
  1. I think a good way not to feel weird about it is maybe to meet at public places, and maybe even initiate group hangouts with him and a couple more people. Just set boundaries you’re comfortable with and I wouldn’t recommend cuddling with friends. I could be alone on this one, but I’ve never cuddled with someone I viewed as a platonic friend. I think if you reserve that level of closeness for someone you’re into (or fur babies lol) then there’s a less likely chance of awkward situations.

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