Repost because it got deleted.

Should I (18F)give my “friend” closure on why I ended things?

A few months ago I made post about blocking my best friend L(18F).

To cut it short, I decided to do so because she always treated me like leftover friend.
She’d always rant and vent to me about things/people and I always respond, but when I wanna talk to her she always ignore me. She’d leave me delivered for weeks and yet she made posts of her going out with people she hate. Not only that, I remember she’d always use me for things (Ex: borrowing my phone and stuff).
In conclusion she’s a clout chaser (always friends with people she hate just because they’re famous) and not a good friend.

Anyway, it’s been three months since I blocked her. And just right now my other friend (A18F) told me that she messaged her. L asked why I blocked her. My friend who knew the reason just pretended she didn’t know.
A then told me that I should give her some closure on why I blocked L.
To be honest I have mixed feeling about this whole thing. I’m not gonna lie that I feel a little happy ‘cause I finally got my “revenge” and now she knows what does it feel like to be ignored.
On the other hand, I feel a little sad… we’ve been friends for over 5 years. I just wished she wasn’t so much like she is now.

I’m thinking of messaging her and tell her the reason why I blocked her, but that’s it. I don’t think I wanna be friends with her again.

Any advice?

Tldr: I’ve cut off things with my best friend, but now she came back and I’m confused if I should tell her why I ended things.

  1. >I’m not gonna lie that I feel a little happy ‘cause I finally got my “revenge” and now she knows what does it feel like to be ignored.

    Ok, then just leave it at that. You said yourself you dont want to be friends with her again.

    Stick to that and live your life.

  2. Sounds like they don’t deserve closure. And if you want to avoid a fight, definitely leave it be.

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