For some background, I talked to this girl for ~2 months and we hit it off really well. I’m fact, she initiated our second and third dates, so I’m pretty sure the interest was mutual.

Unfortunately, she then sends me a text saying that she isn’t looking for a relationship right now because she needs to focus on her career (given her career, I actually believe this. Her workload got crazy after our 4th date and our 5th date was our last).

Another unfortunate part, I didn’t wait to gather my emotions before responding to this text, and I said something along the lines of “Good luck out there, I hope you find what you’re looking for.” I realized immediately that it comes off super bitter, but that’s not how I meant it. I believe she’s blocked my number now.

Is it worth trying to get back into contact to apologize for this? I truly believe that she may have texted me after a break to see if we can hang out again, but I think that’s impossible now that my last text was pretty bitter.

This all went down almost a month ago. I still have a way of contacting her (the app we met on). Is it worth shooting her a message to apologize and see how she’s doing? How would you react if someone did this to you?

  1. I think you should not necessarily apologize but talk it out with her and ask her what went wrong or what had happened and by then she will tell you and then you would apologize

  2. This is interesting to me, I hope you get more comments for me to read through. I had this happen to me and I was in the girl’s position. I was surprised at the abrupt reply without even a conversation about it even or potential options after making such a great connection. I was so curious about what was going on? Was the connection not as great for him, was he hurt, is he a terrible communicator? I’ll likely now never know

  3. That’s pretty abrupt. Not sure about bitter, but really abrupt. You can honestly try reaching out and apologizing, and I don’t think it’s a bad play tbh.

    Something along the lines of: “Hey, I realized my last text was pretty abrupt. You honestly caught me off guard and I didn’t know how to respond to it. Just wanted to apologize, and I hope everything is going well with your life and career.”

    I think that would be perfectly acceptable. I’m curious how it plays out if you do decide to reach out. Good luck

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