When is the best time for a gay guy to compliment a straight guy without making him feel uncomfortable/upset?

  1. Just make it as non-sexual as possible and you will probably be good to go.

  2. In the shower after a hard work out.

    Guys always love when someone notices that his work out routine is working for him.

  3. I would make sure you are friends first and have the compliment be something casual.

  4. just don’t make it sexual or over the top and it’s fine. I’m bi and notice a lot of gay/bi men are over the top with stuff like that and it’s a little bit weird unless you’re in a relationship with them

  5. I think it has to do with society and culture. Some regions in the world don’t perceive male to male compliments as homosexual.

  6. While you’re sucking his dick?

    Seriously, though, if you aren’t hitting on him and are just being a friend complimenting a friend, any time.

  7. Same you compliment anyone. Now, that being said if the compliment is something like “nice cock bro” well, you’ll need to pick the right moment and thats a tough one.

  8. It will always be a bit uncomfortable, it’s more of if the straight guy is a homophobic prick or not

  9. For me, it’s never a good time. I don’t like strangers talking to me, regardless of gender or sexuality. In any context, I’d be uncomfortable.

    Every person is different so there’s no one answer to this question.

  10. Any time really, at least for me.

    It would do a lot to boost my confidence. Not that I really need it, but nowadays the only compliments I get are from my wife and I do appreciate them but she married me so of course she feels that way.

    Would be nice to hear a compliment from a stranger once in a while. Don’t care if that person is a dude or a lady, or straight or gay or whatever.

  11. There is never a bad time for anyone to compliment a straight guy.

  12. In general, guys don’t get complimented enough. Sadly this may lead to some negative reactions, but I think the majority would appreciate it. May even make someones week.

    If you keep it pg, and not in awkward locations like bathrooms or alleyways you should be good.

  13. It’s still flattering to hear. It’s not like every woman that compliments us wants to have sex with us either, although we may assume so. Maybe it wouldn’t be cool for insecure guys. Idk feels like the same way I feel when complimenting a woman I suppose. Like are they going to read into it? We’re all just people trying to read the mixed signals in the air. Can’t be mad at misreading anything. Shouldn’t let it stop you either. People going to react depending on what else is going on in their head at the moment.

  14. I take compliments all the time – gay or straight. I don’t judge it just makes you feel good to hear something nice.

  15. I’ll take the compliment just because men aren’t kind enough to one another. I can’t reciprocate feelings, but I welcome all good people into my life.

  16. Phrase it like your seeking advice.

    “That beard looks great. You use any oils, conditioners, etc.?”
    “Man, your arms are jacked. What kind of workouts do you use?”

  17. You can’t help if someone is uncomfortable man, that’s a them problem.

  18. I would say….timing wise…right after you done wrecking his bunghole.

    Seriously, I love being complimented by anyone if it’s a genuine compliment. I don’t care if it’s from a gay guy, straight, trans, whoever. A genuine compliment is really meaningful to me.

    It’s nice to be appreciated.

  19. I don’t think there’s any solid rules, as guys are individuals and it’s hard to establish guidelines that would work 100% of the time.

    If you’re unsure whether compliments would be received poorly, tying it back to how well (quality) would be received by women might make it seem more innocuous and good-natured.

    I personally don’t take compliments from other guys as sexually charged as long as there’s not other behavior to indicate it might be. I’m also just one dude.

    Hope that helps. Sounds like you’re trying to be the change you want to see.

  20. For me, literally time would make me feel freaking great! I’m also very “progressive” in that I don’t care who you love, as long as you’re not a shit human. Many other men may, and probably will, have different reactions. I’ve gone to several pride events where they hand out colored bracelets for different orientations and things like that, but it didn’t stop the compliments. It also didn’t help me that I wore a “FREE HUGS!” shirt, but I was there in support of some friends.

    In my opinion, it’s mostly going to be situational. If you just randomly approach a stranger, you’ll get a much different response than if it were someone you know, or are acquainted with.

  21. Just don’t be creepy-sexual about it, and just about any time is fine. Same for when straight guys are complimenting women.

  22. Easy answer: slap “dude/bro/man” onto the compliment to signal you view them as such.

    Next level: don’t make it sexual/intimate. A go-to of mine is “You’re rocking that (jacket/beard/boots/shirt), man!” Compare with “Damn, you’re sexy”… that just makes it weird

  23. If the dudes gonna freak out then timing won’t make much of a difference….. But maybe avoid the public restrooms

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