Emotional T/W. What would you do in situation where you found out your spouse got another woman pregnant?

  1. Before we were together? I’d support him and help raise the kid or do whatever needs done.

    After we were together? Divorce. Immediately.

  2. Before we got together? Then I wouldn’t mind helping out.

    While we’re together? Divorce, take the kids and leave. I will not take care of another woman’s child in that case.

  3. All aboard the Nope Train to Fuckthatville. Next Stop: Divorce Attorney.

  4. If there is a room of speculation and you want to give him benefit of doubt then stay till the DNA results come, however if you are sure the baby is his, then girl you are stronger than this, leave the sorry sucker, having said that do not let one infidelity make you jaded about the whole idea of love and do not generalise the whole race of XY chromosomes, there are loyal, honest people out there, go explore:)

    You deserve more than this

  5. Would depend on a bunch of stuff, like: Did I know they were dating/fucking this woman? (We’re non-monogamous.) Did the woman want to get pregnant? What were her plans for the pregnancy? Was the pregnancy a result of negligence, not using adequate protection, etc. or was it purely bad luck?

    My spouse and I only want to have kids with each other if we have them at all, so it would definitely throw a wrench into our life plans if one of our other partners were to get pregnant.

  6. While we’ve been married? Divorce. If I can’t trust him not to make outside babies, then I can’t trust him with anything else. If there’s no trust, that means there’s no safety, if I don’t feel safe with you then what’s the point.

  7. Definitely leave him there is no way I could accept this as he will be constantly going around to see the baby and her and could you live with that x

  8. If it was before we were together and he didn’t know the child was his, it would be hard but I would put the effort in. If he knew about the kid and didn’t tell me, or the kid was a result of cheating I don’t think there would be any coming back.

  9. Before we were together, so long as he was unaware till now uneasy but try work it together. If he knew and only told me now, he knows where the door is. If it was while we were together, he definitely knows where the door is

  10. While we were together? Leave.

    Before we were together? End it as soon as he mentioned having a child at all.

  11. Leave asap and go get tested as soon as I can. Since it’s a spouse, divorce for sure. I know some people have a more forgiving heart and willing to work things out mindset but that just ain’t me. It’s a rule I set from day one of just talking to ANY dude and I reiterate it constantly because it’s that big of a dealbreaker for me. I need to TRUST my partner.

  12. * Do you mean they were unfaithful? Divorce.

    * Do you mean that find out that they’d impregnated someone from before we met and just now discovered they have a child? Well, that’s complex. It would depend on the context and how they wanted to handle it.

  13. Off I Fuck would be the first thought in mind so I’d pack up and leave

  14. More info needed. Is it during our relationship? Are we monogamous? Do I know their other partner? Have I already had kids? Do I want more kids?

    To answer: it depends.

  15. I’d leave him. I know of the woman he got pregnant before me. Any others mean cheating and he isn’t worth it. Byeeeee.

    Also fuck baby momma drama ×2

  16. Cut ties, whether it be break up or divorce. No matter how much I love this hypothetical man, no matter how heartbreaking this would, it would not be worth the turmoil that awaits me if I stay with him.

  17. If he got another woman pregnant while we were together, I’d leave his ass.

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