I overthink a lot I always ask her if she really want to talk to me or not if not she can block me I ask this to her literally everytime maybe she is annoyed or she is loosing interest in me I think I am really toxic I really don’t want her to have another friend like what if she replaced me or Start hanging out with them ditching me I tried to leave her when I noticed that I am trying to control her life but I went back to her man I can’t live without her but now she is acting all strange she doesn’t respond on time she never text first man I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from doing all tha messed up thing

I just to know can I repair our friendship like it was before if yes then how

Also we have “😊” on snapchat does this mean she have another bestfriend or something (╥﹏╥)

Hope you guys will help

Also sorry for my English (╥﹏╥)

Sorry for the amount of cringe I made you saw

  1. Grieve the relationship but if she was truly your best friend she would have told you rather leave you in limbo of confusion. Walk away, let it hurt, and you will find a new best friend who can understand and truly care for you with the mutual respect to tell one another if they are being too much.

    I am so sorry. I know it is hard but you just need to give it time. It’s like losing any important person and almost grieving like they are dead but you know they are alive and well. It’s an odd position but you can only do better learning from your mistakes. Take care of yourself, little wounded dovie. Be easy on yourself and sit with your feelings. You will know when it is time.

  2. Given how you describe your own behaviour, you sound like you’re being very intense and overbearing.

    She may be pulling away because she is exhausted trying to explain herself constantly. If someone wants to talk to you, they will. If they don’t want to, they won’t. It’s healthy to have multiple friends and to associate with different people.

    It can’t be all about you. Give her space and allow her
    to see how she feels about her friendship with you.
    She’ll reach out if she wants to.

    Meanwhile, you need to work on your unhealthy mindset and attachment issues here.

    Best of luck OP

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