what is a beauty standard you find ridiculous but still want to adhere to?

  1. All men should look like He-Man. 1980s.male.body expectations landed on kids through cartoons.

  2. Gorgeous well-kept hair. I can’t always make it cooperate and torturing it into place is stupid but dang do I want Disney hair.

  3. Being thin.

    Only for myself. I support body positivity when it comes to everyone else but I’m extremely hard on myself and my image. It’s actually exhausting emotionally

  4. The idea that women shouldn’t have hair on our legs is fucking stupid but you’ll never catch me wearing a skirt or shorts without shaved legs.

  5. my answer – i honestly wish i had big boobs. ik its a stupid thing that can be disgusting, but being waaay too flat while suffering from bdd makes me think to myself that i dont deserve to call myself a woman

  6. Eyebrow shapes! I’m one of the elder millennials who over-plucked in the late 90s/early 2000s and now have to fill them in every time I do full makeup.

  7. Perfectly plucked eyebrows, I don’t even have much to do but it’s still kinda ridiculous that I do it every like month and a half

  8. Shaving my legs. I feel like America is one of the very few countries that make it a big deal and I’m getting tired of it

  9. Being thin and petite! I’ve had way too many dudes make negative comments about my height and weight over the years.

  10. Being skinny. I like big girls, most of the time I find them more attractive than thin women. But I don’t like how I wear extra weight. It all goes to my belly/waist and chin. I look like a middle aged female Mr Gru. So I leave food on my plate, I suck in my belly, and I wear shapewear, and I hate it. I wish I had more confidence.

  11. having perfect skin, having a gap between my thighs and having a flat stomach

  12. I don’t care how fit I am, no one can make me leave the house in just a sports bra. I feel way too uncomfortable.

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