so i (18f) have a really good guy friend(18m), we’ve been close for several months, and i need help. we talk often and send voice messages about our days or just if something funny has happened. i’ve always felt chemistry between us, and everything always flows so smoothly and there’s never awkwardness. our mutual friends have even commented on this “chemistry” many times. but i’m not 100% sure if he’s into me. i know he’s “talked” to other girls, but lately he has completely dropped them. he’s also been a lot more flirty and the jokes, that i cant tell if he actually means, about us getting together have become more frequent. he texts first, gives me little nicknames, makes fun of me in a sweetish way, gives me his hoodies, and just does little sweet things for me. so does it seem like he’s into me or am i totally getting the wrong message? i definitely feel something for him, so should i make a move and risk our friendship or just leave it? i feel like he’s into me but i hate jumping to conclusions. MALES ON HERE HELP ME PLEASE!! would you act like this with a girl if you were only friends?!?

1 comment
  1. Not to sound disrespectful but you are completely insane for even doubting if this dude is into you. As a male I’m telling you that I would never act like that towards a girl unless I was completely losing my mind over her. The only reason this guy hasn’t confessed his feelings to you is because he is scared of destroying your friendship. I mean this guy values you so much that he wouldn’t even dare to put your friendship at risk by telling you his true feelings.

    I know exactly what’s going on because I am that guy right now (not literally).

    Please for the love of god text this dude right now and ask him out on a date or something.

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