So short men, how hard is it for you to date and have sex? List your heights and what have your experiences been in dating? ANd did things change once you gained confidence or got an interesting/vibrant personality?

  1. I mean I’m 6’3 and I struggle to meet people and get dates so size doesn’t matter. Dating apps suck and I have no idea how to meet people irl despite being in a university program that is literally 85% women.

  2. I’m not short, but…logical observation…If short men didn’t have sex the genetics to make short men would’ve been phased out long ago. That hasn’t happened, so we can assume they procreate as much as anyone else.

  3. I had two male friends in undergrad at most 5’3″ and they seemed to have no problems.

  4. I don’t have time to answer right now so I’ll leave a comment and (hopefully) it will be a reminder to come back later.

  5. I’m 5’3 so technically I don’t count but I mean I’m short anyway so I’ll chime in. It really isn’t as bad as some make it out to be. I still lost my virginity at 16 when I was even shorter and have had a few serious relationships. I’m a little confused on how some dudes be getting no matches on tinder cuz while I don’t pull any crazy numbers, I would still get regular matches and dates set up.

    I guess the thing is that my mom always dressed me up in the nicest clothes, had me do shit like haircuts, skin care, eyebrow threading, and even manicures and pedicures. I was basically a pretty boy for a long time. I was also really into exercise and was always in a sport while running and lifting on my own. So I was short but I was also good looking and in really good shape.

    Its not all farts and rainbows though, there were plenty of girls that were not into me because of my height. But enough of them didn’t care that I never really felt like it was my height that was the problem. When I was striking out like crazy for 6 years it was because I was depressed and was dealing with some issues in my life. When I picked myself back up and put in effort I was getting dates again.

    On the flip side one of my brothers is 6 ft and the other is 6’4, still virgins at 18 and 19 and only one has had a gf. So height can’t be the *only* thing that matters. I think short dudes tend to fall into this self fulfilling prophecy where they go in expecting to fail and blame it on their height. Don’t worry about what you can’t change, focus on what you *can*. I know dudes that are like 5’1 happily married with a beautiful wife and kids. It’s not impossible, just don’t give up. There’s no other way but forward.

  6. I think being tall is one of those things women say they like, but in reality they don’t. I’m 6’5″ and every female friend I have has told me “OMG I was so scared the first time I saw you!” They find height to be more intimidating than attractive.

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