What are dealbreakers for you?

  1. Differing views on monogamy or having kids

    Drug use other than pot

    Alcohol consumption that goes beyond just occasional social drinking

  2. Too many to count for a genuine, committed emotional connection. Fewer than I would like to admit for sex, apart from the physical preferences.

  3. Deal breakers:

    Non monogamy


    Has kids

    Sex worker.

    Pretty standard stuff.

  4. If she talks about feminism, vegans, SJW, or needy/clingy. If I go fishing or hiking, and tell them I’ll text them later, and they text non stop to ask how its going or seek attention, it’s automatically over that day.

  5. Obese

    Has kids

    “WoMeN gEt PaId LeSs tHaN MeN” mentality

    High maintenance


    If they got a fucking dick

  6. If a piece of clothing is on discount for 30% and it’s still over $40, that’s a deal breaker.

  7. Big one for me is a partner with severe mental health issues. I know that sounds shitty and selfish but it’s just never a good time.

    For example I’ve dated two different bipolar women and good lord it’s like Dennis from it’s always sunny

    Their rage knows no bounds and all their misery is somehow your fault most the time.

    Extreme depression can be pretty suffocating in a relationship too when you have a partner who seemingly can’t find any joy in life or get out of bed most the day.

    It just ultimately drains any joy and happiness out of your life and it’s non stop problems 🤷🏻‍♂️

  8. Polyamory/non-monogamy. Kids. Sex worker. No goals or just looking for a sugar daddy. Certain political leanings. “I’m probably better than you at __________”

  9. A big one is when some guy tries to offer me 20% less than what true value is.
    I was on Facebook marketplace last week trying to sell some home grown lentils and this asshole only offered me $1.20 a pound.
    Seriously these are 100% organic and the other farmers are asking way more. Even the grocery stores. No deal.

  10. materialism to the extent where you are only seen as a fucking wallet to take money from

  11. I can’t deal with someone who has any sense of superiority toward other people. Being rude to waitresses, looking down on people who aren’t as fortunate as she is, etc. Someone who doesn’t have any sense of empathy or gratitude for the things they have is a person I don’t even want to be around let alone date.

  12. Fake people with back up accounts for no better reason than to earn internet points.

  13. If she has been ran through.
    If she is a feminist or former feminist.
    If she is non compliant.
    Mental health issues and physical issues.
    Masculine – combative personality traits.
    Being a single mother.
    Her dating history — pending investigation.
    Lying about past.
    False accusations, What happened to one guy can happen to you.
    If she has an instagram or social media presence — This is female cheating getting attention and validation from other men.
    Negative personality traits – Hen pecking / nagging / attempts to emasculate / an embarrassment.
    If she gains weight. Being 100+ lbs lighter when first met is a problem.

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