What is something that young men should stop doing?

  1. Looking for generic life advice and affirmation from strangers on the internet.

  2. Stop worrying about appearing “manly” nobody cares, and it only limits you.

  3. Energy drinks – they’re poison. Stop drinking them.

    Reading up on alpha-male shit.

    Paying obscene money to OnlyFans models or CamGirls. They don’t love you. You’re a client.

    Get a mortgage as fast as you can, 20% deposit minimum, and 10% leftover of savings.

  4. Being self conscious… confidence in a man is everything. Being a man seems like just a cool thing to be . I think a man represents freedom , protection , guidance and leadership so I would say stop doing anything that doesn’t help you represent some of those characteristics.

  5. Most things tbh. Limit time on social media, limit porn consumption, limit energy drinks, limit alcohol/drugs

  6. Looking for the life lessons on the internet. Especially when it comes to women.

  7. Putting so much stock into women. I get how biological factors and social conditioning drive it but fuck, you can balance working towards being more attractive while doing shit that you genuinely like instead of having a mini existential crisis over what woman you want to fuck thinks about it.

  8. Holding on to the notion that being in a relationship is the peak of their existence.

  9. 1) Spending money on Only Fans, Cam girls, Strippers, escorts, porn, or any type of sex work.

    2) Not doing some type of strength training like lifting weight or calisthenics at least twice a week. Two full body workouts per week should be the minimum.

    3) Not doing some type of cardio at least three times a week for general health. Things like: Hiking, running, jump rope, walking the dog, sports, skateboarding, cycling, ballet, and so on.

    4) Not reading a pdf/book for at least thirty minutes every single day. It’s important to train your mind! It would be better if you could get closer to one hour each day.

    5) Being afraid of rejection and failure. These things are part of a man’s life, you should welcome adversity as it gives you a chance to test your metal. A real test of character is how you respond when things don’t go your way.

    6) Not having any type of investments. Could be crypto, stocks, etf, index funds, property, roth ira/ira(depending on if you make over 130k. Not financial advice), and so on. I wouldn’t consider a 401k or CD’s as

    7) Not having hobbies

    8) Not having a hobby that you can make money off of.

    9) Being afraid of putting in hard work to reach a goal. Also letting fear of failure guiding your judgement.

    10) Believing a woman is playing hard to get, you need to earn her attention, trying to win a girl over, earn a lady’s trust, etc. Just move on from these types of ladies.

    A few of good books to read.

    A) “The Prince” – Niccolo Machiavelli

    B) “The 48 Laws of Power” – Robert Greene

    C) “Meditations” – Marcus Aurelius

    D) “The Long Game: A Memoir” – Mitch McConnell

    E) “The Art of War” – Sun Tzu

  10. Stop trying to impress women. If they can’t accept you for who you are then just stop trying to impress

  11. Wasting precious semen. Keep it in till marriage then disappoint your wife like a real man

  12. Stop looking for so-called “gurus” and turn towards your dad. He is the most experience the man you will ever know, and his advice will help you in the long run.

  13. Watching porn. Trying to act manly and letting that dictate their actions and getting angry over stupid shit.

  14. Drinking energy drinks and caffeinated anything, you don’t need that shit yet

  15. Developing unhealthy parasocial relationships with youtubers and podcasters. Develop **real** realationships with actual human beings in your community instead of people who rely on a highly polished image and persona to get an audience.

  16. As an 18 year old male I’d like share what I have learned. Porn is a waste of time and money and is literally damaging. If you want sex simply just have sex which should be done safely and there’s plenty of safe ways to have a hookup.

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