What did you see your parents do only to realise later that it was wrong ?

  1. When I was very young, smoking. I remember realising they were doing a bad thing…

  2. Sulking and silent treatment when upset with something.


    Lovely, gentle spirited people but very likely just inherited bad communication patterns/habits from previous generations etc.. I grew up doing it too but working on it now lol

  3. Their marriage.

    Could of saved me a lot of time and trauma from intimate partners if I figured it out sooner

  4. Eat a crap ton of animals and animal secretions at every single meal, incapable of living any other way

  5. I used to love to hide in my long, flowing hair. I was sensitive about my looks and it gave me comfort. But my parents hated it. So, when I got in trouble (3-4 times in my adolescence), they’d drag me to the stylist and get her to hack off all of it to just below my ears. I would cry and cry, it made me feel like a monster.

  6. Make a big fuss about small things that don’t really matter and generally couch things in an accusatory tone of voice. “What on earth have you done to this cupboard?! It’s complete carnage in here now”. The other person literally took a pan out to make dinner. They both do it! It’s not a big thing but why add stress to your day to day when you could just say “could you come and help me sort out this cupboard?”

  7. my parents are overall good and i don’t hate them or anything and we get a long fine.

    But they don’t help whatsoever. I’m struggling with trying to move out and insure my car etc, and whenever i get stuck i ask them for genuine help, only to get a “look it up” “figure it out” kind of response. And they’re then surprised when i mess up.

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