I have this problem because of which anyone can roast me in a second and leave before i can even utter a comeback. Its frustrating that i can’t think of/or do anything other than not speak while the other person can destroy me and roast me . I just want to know how to deal with it. I mean not just in conversations with enemies but with friends too. Maybe it was something stupid i said when i was anxious.
I just don’t know anything witty to say. Can anyone else relate? And how did you deal with it?

  1. Training and reading. Re-do the conversations in your head, at some point something clever will come out. That’s how it worked for me… You’re not stupid.

  2. How are you in situations where you are getting roasted frequently? I would avoid those people if they are just being mean.

  3. The important thing when getting roasted is to not show you care. Let’s take this example: Someone says “You’re so stupid”. Wether you act passive “No, I’m not because xyz” or aggressive “No you are because xyz”, it both shows that you’re very insecure about it. While a funny comeback or something can be a good answer, it’s difficult to come up with one on the spot and risky when it’s just bad. Often it shows that you’re insecure anyway.

    The best solution that I’ve found is to not take yourself serious and admit to the roast, e.g. “yeah I’m so stupid, remember when I did xyz?”. Then, everyone will laugh with you instead of at you.

    In a group setting, it could be like “remember when abc did xyz? He’s so stupid” – “yea I didn’t even know how to do it properly but I was like: lets try it anyway” and then you just laugh with them so you’re not insecure at all about it, but already over it.

    Now, in my examples I used the word ‘stupid’, which is kind of a rude word, so if you wanted to you could also scratch my advice about not showing you care and call them out. Don’t explain yourself or come up with excuses but simply call them out, e.g.: “Why would you say something like that? That’s so rude”

    Hope that helps.

  4. Watch really good roasters like Roast Me, Donterio Hundon, and Brent Taylor. Also watch other comedians like Bill Burr, Paul Mooney, and Dave Chappelle and how they pick out situations that nobody thinks of and makes it funny. I used to be in the same situation and you’ll have to do research to have great comebacks. Comebacks are all about comedy, it’s a mix of observational comedy. You have to know the environment, who’s listening and watching, and how absurd/true your comeback or attack is. You’ll fail the first couple of times but as time goes on you’ll get better. I wish for all the best!!!

  5. Step 1 – stop talking shit about yourself, you’re giving them material

    Step 2 – focus on what they’re saying, they’re also giving you material. Watch standup, half of the people who are roasting you have probably borrowed their personality from shows lol

    Step 3 – take nothing personally. As long as it’s a roast and not bullying, be chill. Have boundaries, if you’re getting offended tell them to stfu and if they don’t, leave. Don’t stay where you aren’t respected.

  6. You don’t want to learn to deal with it.

    Because there are two ways to learn to deal with it: you can learn to get violent, or you can learn to be even more cruel.

    I learned the second. Oh boy, I learned it very well. I can bully the fuck out of someone. I can make them feel very small, very quickly. It’s fun the first time.

    It also helps if you can learn to talk loudly and learn to dominate a conversation.

  7. Because that’s how it’s intended, to keep you getting roasted. Imo the best thing you can do is lean back take it as fun, and then wait for your opening. It always comes. It’s natural in roasting. Just listen and wait.

  8. There isn’t really one quick tactic you can use to roast everyone. Sometimes the correct response is to not say anything, sometimes it’s to say “ahh you got me!” And other times it’s to come with something witty yourself. If you try and come with something witty at a wrong time it will just seem like you are being too desperate.

    So my advice is to just observe other people more and eventually you’ll naturally get the idea of what to say in the many unpredictable situations. Focusing on yourself instead of other people will just give you tunnel-vision and make the chance of you actually saying something good less. The reason extroverted people are good at this is because they naturally like to hangout and observe other people and social interactions, which they then have learned from and applied themselves whether consciously or subconsciously.

  9. Practice freestyling (alone of course, lmao) and watch shit like Roast Me on youtube (not exactly pc). Come up with shit in advanced, tweak it to your desired intensity/situation and deliverrrr

    Also you can take the high road too. Idk

  10. Ask them to explain. This makes them look stupid and gives you time to think.

  11. Listen, if someone’s gonna be like that they’ve quietly agreed that anything about them you want to make fun of is on the table.

    Braces? Acne? They read like shit? They’re Mom died? It’s all fair game. Once you know what hurts them, squeeze. They’ll stop.

  12. Just watch “I think you should leave” on Netflix. Has all the answers to be Normal in social settings.

  13. Easy, just keep this one in your back pocket for later.

    “You know, I looked up the word ‘asinine’ the other day. There was a picture of you.” If they get it, nice. If they don’t, tell em to look it up. Or you already have the definition memorized.

  14. There are a couple of key elements to this art form:

    First and foremost, roasts take two to tango. If you’re gonna make a joke at your friend, don’t just anticipate his response, welcome it. It’s supposed to be fun. You both/all have to willingly participate in busting each other’s balls or someone’s just getting picked on, you know? To that end, my philosophy has always been everyone is fair game, including myself. If my friends digs in, I laugh with them and at myself. Then, even more importantly, if I’m on a roll I’ll always try to ratio my jokes 2:1 at them and then I’ll lob one back at myself just to cut myself down a peg or two. That’s crucial because without a balance you risk cutting too deep, coming off as too serious or whatever. So make sure no one ever loses sight that we’re all just fucking around and no one’s attacking. That has the added benefits of building a very real underlying trust with your friends, and it also subtley informs them that that’s a thing they can do too.

    Next, always give it back to them. No matter if it’s a serious thing or it’s you and your buddies joking around having fun—always punch back. If you flinch, you’ll get steamrolled, particularly in a serious situation. Always at least laugh and always give it back to them in some way if you can. As you get used to talking shit with your pals you should lean into more personalized jabs, but remember it’s gotta be give and take, always.

    As far as what you literally say to someone? That’s tough because I don’t know you guys and I’d be Monday-morning quarterbacking anyway, same as you. Personally, my go-to move is often acting like people are slipping or aren’t doing well in their attempts to roast me.

    I’ll laugh and say something like, “c’mon dude, is that seriously the best you could come up with? I’ve busted my own balls harder just by sitting down too fast. Are you okay? You running a fever? Go take a nap sweetheart, come back when you’re serious about this friendship. Maybe I’ll draw you a picture of how a good joke works.”

    Or some stupid trash talk like that. I love contradictory slams like that too, those are funny. Like, I’m calling into question if he’s even really my friend if he can’t hit me harder than that. Just over-the-top condescending mixed with faux-cocky flexing. I don’t know. You’ll find your tone

    But don’t worry about what to say specifically. Like, don’t literally practice lines to say, just practice attitudes. The shit-talk will come along. If you start trying to memorize shit or trying too hard to be clever and you’re gonna get inside your head and immediately fuck it up—then you gotta eat your own balls to just to save face.

    Last, listen to comedians talk to other comedians. Particularly guys like Bill Burr and Greg Fitzsimmons in particular, that’s always a master class in ball busting. Have fun!

  15. Hey OP, I was in the same situation in high school but funny enough, I realized it’s just a muscle you have to exercise. If possible, find some quick-witted people to hang out with or people that are sarcastic (not mean) but playful overall.

    Eventually by watching them, you learn how to hit them back and on top of that, learn a bit about the people roasting you. Not insecurities since the goal is not to hurt their feelings but to retort with something clever and at the same time make everybody laugh. You’ll know how to roast anybody in no time

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