I’m 22 and I’m vaguely dating around after getting out of a long-term relationship a few months ago. I’m struggling to figure out what the appropriate age range for me is however. I assumed I could work off the half your age plus 7 rule, but I’ve had some people feeling uncomfortable that I went on a date with an 18 year old girl (also at uni, I wouldn’t pull a Scot Pilgrim and date a highschooler). So what in your opinion is an appropriate age range for a 22 year old?

(I’m in the UK also, so 18 is the legal age for drinking etc)

  1. 18 and 22 is not necessarily inappropriate, but the 22 year old has more life experience at that age

  2. Seinfeld rule: your age (divided by 2) + 7
    This is more of a rule for men, btw since women don’t typically date people younger than them. It works for all ages. You can always date older.

    Edit: sorry I didn’t read your post 😂

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