I don’t know if that makes sense.

I have been in a relationship with a new person for 18-months. Broke up with my ex-boyfriend 2-years ago.

I broke up with my ex-boyfriend as he is highly emotional. Like, not in a bad way. More that he ‘feels’ things more than others, and this can lead to reassurance issues as he over analyses situations.

I do talk to my ex-boyfriend every so often, and it is evident that he loves me still.

My ex-boyfriend is the type of person that will drop EVERYTHING in his life to help those that he cares about and loves. Hell, I gave him 24-hours notice I was coming to visit, and he made sure everything was ready, even though he had one of the ‘depression apartments’ at the time (he managed to clean everything up, as well as get gifts for me)

My ex-boyfriend remembered EVERYTHING that I love. Food. Scents. Flowers. It was the first time I felt like somebody paid attention to my needs and gave me their time in a long while.

I can talk to my ex-boyfriend for hours about anything, and time moves fast. Hell, we can fart in front of each other and just laugh it off.

I love being the centre of attention for somebody. I love when somebody genuinely shows that they care about how I am feeling. I love being the person somebody wants to talk to. I really do.

This is a guy that I could not talk to for a long time, and I know he has my back.

I want a boyfriend like that. I want my current boyfriend to be like that. I never feel like my current boyfriend would do anything for me, but I think I do love him.

I want to feel less lonely and sad with my current boyfriend.

I want somebody like my ex, but I am sure I do not want my ex as I broke up with him.

I am very confused.

tl;dr: love my ex-boyfriend’s personality, sense of humour, etc. I want my current bf to be more like him.

  1. Then don’t be with your ex but find someone like that. If after 18mo your current isn’t like your ex, they aren’t going to become like that.

    Not saying you should get back with him but this entire post is about your ex and nothing about your current. Maybe take that into consideration

  2. Yeah you should do your current a favour and let him go, you need to heal.

  3. Your experience with your ex helped you learn some of what you DO want (and some of what you don’t). Your experience with your current guy is showing you what you DON’T want.

    There are a lot of other fish in the sea. Don’t settle for the rebound guy, it’s not what you want, and you won’t be happy. Eventually the guy will sense it and he will feel really bad and used.

  4. >I broke up with my ex-boyfriend as he is highly emotional. Like, not in a bad way. More that he ‘feels’ things more than others, and this can lead to reassurance issues as he over analyses situations.

    That is a bad way. He had security and self esteem issues. It may be fixable if he went for therapy. May be fixable. It may take years.

    Honestly, it doesn’t sound like you are over your ex and you hadn’t yet moved on and processed the end of your relationship properly before starting a new relationship. Right now you’re doing the current guy dirty by not being happy that he isn’t more like someone else.

  5. So this dude is everything that you want and he’s still not good enough? Wow…

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