So quick explanation- i graduated in my home country, covid started. We were dating already for 2 years and got scared they will close borders for over an year or so. Ofc we didn’t know what to expect, we got scared and so i moved to his moms place. After an year i still couldn’t find a job and we didn’t really have a good plan. His mom started being rude to me and bullying my partner (her son) so i started initiating that we would move out (to even a better zone where i can find a job and to not live with his mom). Keep in mind my boyfriend makes a lot of money and has a very stable job. We realized buying a property is way more worth it than renting it (also bcs of covid the prices went up, the landlords had strict rules etc). So my boyfriend bought a property on his name. He can afford it and live very comfortable life and even take care of me. Well 2 years later i still didn’t find a job here. I had a few online jobs and made some money but i still don’t have an actual job with all papers done. I hate this country’s system, people are racist here towards people that migrated here, they don’t want to give you a chance, young native people here with degrees have problems to find a job, so me without a degree, not being native and no real job experience sucks. People here are hostile, unfriendly and they judge so much. Also my partners family turned out to be sh.t crazy and we didn’t visit them for a few months.

Now to the problem – we have been at the new place for 7 months. I have made just one friend here and occasionally i talk with my boyfriends friends, but he is also introvert so it doesn’t help. Plus since we don’t visit his family, my social circle got even smaller. I feel so alone here, with no job opportunity and no family. 3 weeks ago something happend in my head and i realized how much i miss my home. A huge city (now we live in small town and villages around) and how much i miss my mom and brother and ofc my friends.

I talked with my boyfriend already and he keeps on pushing that i didn’t give it enough time and things will get better when i buy a car (he has just his car) and that i will be able to drive further for work. But that doesn’t delete the fact i don’t like native people here and they don’t like me and i miss city life and my family.

I am now visiting my family for one month and i can imagine living around here. I feel very comfortable in this city. I can find a job here with no problem. I seriously don’t know how to proceed. I will try more and be patient with my boyfriends country but everything about the country is so uncomfortable for me. I can’t imagine living there, going to doctor/hospital there and living daily life forever even with a good job.

I asked him if he would be willing to move to my country and he is coming up with excuses. At first he used to say that he makes more money here. I debunked it because he would make more in my home city. Then he claimed he loooves his job and doesn’t want to let it go. Now he dislikes his job and is thinking of finding a new one. And a new excuse, but the most understandable one, he has a loan and it’s more complicated to sell the apartment but not impossible in his country. A lot of people do it nowadays, he wouldn’t be first nor last.

He keeps on saying he put a lot of sacrifices and money into this relationship and i did too. But how can i live in a place i hate and it makes me depressed and anxious ?

Any ideas? Anyone who went through something similar?

tl;dr after long distance relationship i moved to my boyfriend’s country, we were young, stupid with no plan. Now i can’t find a job, i can’t make friends here, miss my family and have terrible anxiety from loneliness. I would like to move back to my home country but he doesn’t want to since he got a loan for his apartment.

  1. It doesn’t sound like you appreciated your bf pressuring you to stay. But it sounds like you are also pressuring him to leave and move with you.

    If you’re convinced that this move isn’t working for you, it’s time to accept that you leaving could mean having to end the relationship.

  2. Long distance relationships exist very commonly and it might be worth a try again in this situation if you love each other. At some point, one of you may come around to relocating, or you may both actually really enjoy traveling together that long distance relationships bring, or you may find none of it works and you’re better off moving on. People very much view long distance relationships as a temporary state of being but sometimes that’s just the regular state of things and some people really love the way they figure out how to make it work together.

    You deserve to feel happy and secure and social and successful and you don’t necessarily have to sacrifice the relationship to feel that way again. Just the current dynamic of it.

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