So I (17f) used to be friends with B (17f). At the beginning of the school year they got into drama with their ex best friend and threatened to stab them with a knife and kill them. I told the office and they almost got suspended. I dropped them shortly after so it was obvious I told the office. I heard from a mutual friend they wanted to beat me up, this was a serious threat plus they knew where I lived and my classes. I told the office again and B was called in. She said that “she’s just being crazy” and “I don’t know where this is coming from” and “their twisting my words”. She was let off the hook no problem. Now I heard from another friend that she said “I’m gonna bash her head in”.

I don’t know what to do, if I should go to the office again but idk if they will believe me. Or should I go to the police. I’m still unsure if she would actually beat me up. But I don’t know if I should take the risk of no trying to tell anyone. Please give me some advice.

  1. Lesson learned to give anonymous tips if your going to. I’d honestly just learn to fight or prepare or switch classes. You can’t control what they do or when but you can at least better prepare

  2. Not sure how they know it was you, I would tell my friends not to tell me what they heard from someone. It’s what teenagers do, even if it’s not true. Or you can speak to your parents after you try to work things out with this person

  3. You should not take risk of your safety so go to office again and if they failed to make you feel safe then you can surely go to police. Warn her that you would not take this lightly rather you would not hesitate to call cops on her. You talk to your family about this so they can do something to make you feel safe. No one has a right to scare you for any reason so do not let them go rather talk to authority and office to take right steps to fix this.

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