As the title states- the stranger the better.

  1. Not me, but one of my mates has a rather stretchy scrotum which he can pull over his lower body to look like a pair of pink hairy Y-fronts.

  2. I have a variety of laughs, including rusty bicycle, Tommy gun, and Krusty the Klown

  3. Not done this for a long time but I used to be able to fit both sticks of a drifter chocolate bar in my mouth sideways at the same time.

    Then I would eat it without having to take any back out or dropping any.

  4. Getting on all fours, sucking air up my arse and farting it out on command

  5. I can do an impression of everyone from the first Star Wars film (with the exception of Leia and the stormtrooper who bangs his helmet on the door) so can single-handedly act out any scene they’re not in, and make up new scenes, such as when Yoda and Chewie went on a double date with sand people.

  6. I balance a stack of coins on my upturned elbow, palm facing up, then quickly pivot my arm round and catch them all before they fall. Think my record is about 15.

    Arguably even more exciting when it fails and the coins are turned into high speed projectiles shooting around the room. Who will get injured the most?!

  7. Opening champagne with a knife/sword or a bottle of (corked) wine with a pair of hair straighteners.

  8. I can shit myself on command. Don’t get invited to many parties anymore.

  9. Mine is called the ghost walk, we’ll be in the kitchen having a beer, then poof, like magic, I’ve teleported to my bed at home 😴

  10. when I was a child I could count a handful of cash dropped onto a hard surface by ear. No more than perhaps 8 or 9 coins, but all-at-once. it impressed the hell out of people. Sadly I’ve lost it as I’ve got older.

  11. Who wants to see the elephant?

    *pulls trouser pockets inside out and unzips fly*

  12. I can do this thing where I rest both hands under my chin and make a rapid movement and if creates a very loud sound in-between a pop and a click, like it is a finger being dislocated or something. Nothing quite so painful in reality but the noise is really loud and usually gets a good reaction.

  13. I can blow air out of my eyes. If I do it under water you can see the bubbles come out and if I do it with a vape then you can see that come out but it hurts to fuck when I do that.

  14. I can vibrate my eyes (and I can click my ears but it seems like other people can only hear it via microphone or stethescope according to other redditors)

    I can whistle with my fingers (as can a lot of people but I was so proud of myself learning that as a child)

    I can make a didgeridoo sound using my hands

    I can do the owl whistle thing using my hands…except it sounds more like a steam train whistle.

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