What’s the coldest/most cynical opinions you’ve heard or have about relationships whether you believe them or not?

  1. Every relationship is doomed to end, no matter how good it is…and considering my circumstances after 20 years, it’s hard to argue against it.

  2. Western culture is currently toxic to healthy happy relationships

    And the more experience I have the more I agree with it.

  3. As a man with children your spouse will come to treat you like a means rather than a person irregardless of their feelings to you.

  4. romantic relationship develops because of love, which is just a feeling, feelings change, so you should not think about the person you love the same way you dont tell a depressed person to think about the things he is depressed because of.

    codependency is better because the reason you are together is not love

  5. Every time prostitution/paid sex is brought up, there’s always some asshole who says “you pay for it one way or another” or “it’s cheaper than a relationship” or some variation on this. In other words, treating love and intimacy in a relationship like they’re transactional commodities. I pity people who think like that, frankly.

  6. The concepts of “true soulmate”, “marriage until death” and trying to sustain the relationship at all costs, are the direct reason why we have such toxic culture of relationships. And we teach our children that all of these things are the “good” and “romantic” goals in life.

  7. that i need some woman to prop me up because im so helpless hahahaha yeah right, i own my house i have a great career and a side business etc etc etc never needed some broad to pat me on the back and hold me up. I stand tall on my own two feet. I like ya’ll ladies but you is the cherry on my sundae. A small part that I barely notice

  8. “Women aren’t capable of love, they only value what you provide. If you lose your job she will leave you instantly and find another man who can.”

  9. For most men it’s not worth it to your mental health/ financial stability/ career goals/ honestly fucking anything at all to get into marriage of LTR’s. Each one has wrecked my emotional well being and back tracked me so fucking much I just don’t see an actual point fron a logical perspective… like ok sex is cool, emotional support is cool (if that even comes with it sometimes) but tbh the cons seems to always outweigh the pros

  10. “Majority of women don’t really care about you as a person, it only matters to them what can you do for them and, especially, what can you make them *feel*”. I hate to agree with this but, after twelve years of dating experience, I kinda have to. One note though: IMO, this “majority” is rather 70ish % than 99.9999%, but it’s still a majority.

  11. That relationships are good for men or that they need to be in one, if you truly believe that then you are mentally ill. You shouldn’t be in a relationship you feel that have to be in one

  12. I don’t think that endless passionate earth shattering romantic love we are all chasing exists. Not in the way it is shown in films, books, shows etc. Love is not a fire burning endlessly, it’s a house built brick by brick. Sometimes the house is built from straw and it’s not worth it

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