What do you regret doing or not doing on your wedding day?

  1. I probably should have spent more on photography

    We didn’t have a videographer because we thought we’d never watch it. And maybe we never would have, but it feels like there should be a video of such a wonderful day.

  2. I regret worrying about small details. Like I grabbed place settings for someone who came last minute! I should have sat back and let people figure things out for themselves. I could have relaxed more but maybe it is just in my personality to be that way.

  3. I regret not bringing something to change into for the cab ride home. It was an amazing wedding, until I got out of the cab and needed to cross the street with people heckling me and my husband. One man actually stopped my husband, shook his hand and told him “congratulations.. you know it will probably end in divorce though right?”

    I’ll never forget how we were both so happy until that man needed to stop us to shit on our day. I hope he thinks of that moment now with guilt.

  4. I regret not standing up to family and having the wedding I wanted. I gave in on the dress, the venue, the number of people, the food. Any of you getting married soon, pay for it yourselves and have the wedding you want.

  5. Not having cute flats to wear after my heels were killing my feet. Literally spent half the reception barefoot!

  6. I regret not getting to have a wedding with my grandmother present. She never had a wedding and never seen her girls in a wedding then I ended up at a court house and only my mil who didn’t like me came. I hate thinking about it now that my grandma’s gone.

  7. Not having my dad there. Did it JP-style and I wouldn’t change that, but the only thing I ever wanted from my wedding was my dad to give me away and our Daddy-daughter dance.

  8. Besides regretting the groom that I picked, I regret caving in to the pressure to have all of the traditional things that I never would have picked for myself. I don’t like white dresses, I’m a major introvert, and I don’t like being the center of attention at all, and yet, I had the white dress, 225-person guest list, the huge wedding party (more bridesmaids,more problems), all of the expected wedding dances, fancy invites, etc. We did the expected kiss (I don’t like pda), and smashed cake in each other’s faces, because-tradition. Yet, really none of that was my style. I would have been happy with getting married at my family’s house with just our immediate families there, a photographer, and a few cupcakes.

  9. I regret pushing it back. If my husband and I had gotten married when we had planned in 2020 then my grandma (who was my mother figure) would’ve been there. She was diagnosed with liver cancer just a week after our original date and passed away 3 weeks after that.

  10. I should have listened to that voice in my head. It was so clear. It said, “What are you doing?”

  11. We regret not eloping. We both hated being the center of attention and hate that I let my mom push us into it.

  12. Ours was a family free wedding in our living room with a handful of friends. And it was still to much drama. When we speak of it, we wish we just would have went somewhere vacation-y and exchanged vows. Perfect wedding.

  13. Not taking more pictures with my family. Wish I had gotten pics with all of my extended family units instead of one large group picture.

  14. Only a little regret. But me and my wife’s mutual best friend, the one that introduced us, offered us $1500 if during our first dance, we broke out into a tickle fight.

    I really wanted to, but I know she would have been upset.

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