I got refused sale of one because I didn’t have my ID on me (thinking I didn’t need it). I haven’t found anything online but the shop assistant was certain they were restricted?

Anyone else had this / and or know the law on it?

  1. So I ran into issues when I was younger when buying aerosol paints (for car stuff & model painting) but never with deodorants. I’m not sure why they would be age restricted unless the shop believes they will be used for illegitimate uses.

    That being said though it’s usually a governing body that decides what is age restricted and not the shop itself.

  2. Never heard of that before tbh. My 19 year old daughter was asked for I.d for bonjella yesterday though, even though she was wearing her work uniform, luckily she did have it. Don’t know what kind of misuse bonjella is being used for on the streets though.

  3. Shops can impose their own restrictions without it being a law. Some won’t sell aerosols to kids at all, or they’ll have quantity restrictions.

  4. Aerosols should not be sold to anybody the cashier suspects might abuse the substance.

    Do you look junkie-ish, perchance?

  5. There’s no law restricting sale of aerosol deodorant to anyone.

    The law is that aerosol paint cans are restricted to over-16s. Aerosol butane and solvents are restricted to over-18s. Other aerosols are not legally restricted.

    A shop may have policies about this, but it seems overly restrictive. I suggest you contact the shop management to ask their policy on age restricted items and whether there is any restriction on aerosol deodorants.

    I strongly suspect the shop assistant was making things up in their own mind, and that is the sort of thing that should be resisted on all occasions.

    You might also choose to take your custom elsewhere in future. I would.

  6. Could be, I’ve seen a few reported teenage deaths from overuse within poorly ventilated room. Morrisons age restrict energy drinks FFS so this wouldn’t be far off that mark.

  7. That is very strange, I’ve been buying deodorant since I was about 13 and I’ve never been checked about it.

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