Women who’ve been on the fence about ending long term relationships, what made you finally decide to do it?

  1. I decided I deserved to be happy instead of miserable. That I deserved to be with someone that was capable of being present in my life on a daily basis. Someone reliable that can actually be there for me and vice versa. So I found the courage to leave. And then I did eventually meet someone new who was pretty much all the things I wanted. It was hard at the time, but I needed to give myself permission to be happy.

  2. My college biology textbook was on his desk, leaning up against some fancy goggles he owned. I didn’t realize it. He came in, saw, threw my book on the bed. I put it back on the desk, just not touching his stuff. He immediately grabbed the book and threw it hard against the wall. Knew immediately in that moment I was ready to break up.

  3. abusive relationship. i left even tho it was long term because of abuse and non healthy ness twords me . had gotten so bad . i thought about doing it so much i felt trapped but i eventually got out . now im in a long term healthy relationship and living my best happy life. . if someone is meant to be in ur life they will treat u right . if someone is meant to be in ur path they will come back along eventually even if u had to leave them behind for them to change or for them to better for themselves. ur worth more than u know and u matter first and need to take care of u first before a relationship . if ur not healthy, neither will the relaitonship be

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