To me it is ‘You are a great guy, but…’. I know it is not malicious but the subtext is ‘not good enough though’.

  1. I used to hate that. It was always from a girl I had a crush on lol. I think the context is more of “you’re a great guy but I don’t find you sexually attractive” .

  2. The most annoying thing to hear as a man is everytime a non binary person starts talking about the patriarchy..

  3. You know when a fluorescent bulb is about to go out and it makes that buzzing sound that just won’t stop?

    That shit drives me insane.

  4. Anything followed by the phrases “toxic masculinity” or “male privilege”. Those two phrases have become so misused that they no longer have any meaning beyond a woman not liking something a man does. Oh, and “mansplaining” – like, how the fuck do women learn anything at school or at jobs if they immediately assume anything being taught to them by a man is “mansplaining” and should be ignored?

  5. Anything that involves calling me a Nancy, or any variety of insult like that. People who think comparing you to a woman makes you less of a man and therefore inferior. It’s quite annoying and honestly a rather pathetic mindset.

  6. You are a man, you should pay/carry this for me/do this for me/protect me/MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A QUEEN, etc. Every time I hear girls say these I wanna just stand up and leave. Like bitch did you treat me like a king?

  7. Let’s see…

    “How tall are you?” Probably the male equvilent of asking a women her weight

    “Get over it” Yes, because men are emotionless and aren’t supposed to cry, even when their best friend kills himself or their grandfather might not live to see christmas.

    “I don’t think it’ll fit” That’s more of a me problem, or more so a slight annoyance but I digress.

    “I bet you enjoyed it” say this to any male rape victim and you’ll get slapped/punched.

    “I have a boyfriend” I don’t care, can I take your order/your shoes are untied/you dropped your phone/etc

  8. From women – “but you’re a man” or some variation implying whatever hardship or even opinion is invalid because I was born male.

    From men – “whoa check out her” or “look at those tits/legs/ass” sometimes followed by what they’d like to do to said person. Because I too am a male I must want to hear them assert their heterosexuality. Also “she should get a job” or “you pay for everything?” or “is she looking for a job yet?” Or some other remark about my wife being a stay at home mom. That’s not just from men though, women too.

  9. “Stop mansplaining” like I get it nobody cares about my issues but why make something completely unrelated about gender issues? God it pisses me off instantly when people say this. Like if I’m being misogynist and an asshole then sure, but I had a bad day let me vent please, I’d let you do the same.

  10. When a women tries to say you aren’t a real man. To me they have absolutely no idea how it actually is and what criteria if any is required to be consider a man. I know it’s their personal opinion of what a man should be that they’re trying to impose on me be it like sports fixing things fishing etc. Annoys me none of those have anything to do with being a man.

  11. “You need to love yourself, before you love somebody.”

    While true generally. This was said to me by my ex-gf who was autistic (this was fine, no problem being w/someone neurological disorder) w/co-morbidities (I guess depression, anxiety, etc.). It still sticks in my head.

    A little more context, I have major depressive disorder/maladjustment disorder (by diagnoses of a psych-eval for Office of Voc Rehab), but it does not inhibit me from, let’s say attending college, like I am now, just makes it stressful. I take no pills for this. My Ex-GF would also say stuff “School is a waste of time” or something to that effect.

    A married female friend who is bi-polar, noted that I was being emotionally abused later on when I would talk to her, b/c I felt like I had no one to talk to. To this day, that qoute makes me wince.

  12. “That’s not what you meant, I know you meant *thing I definitely didn’t mean*”

    I meant what I said. If you weren’t going to believe me, why did you ask?

  13. Anytime you hear that “not good enough” subtext you’ve gotta make a quick switch in your brain to “not the right fit right now”. You wouldn’t feel all rejected if you tried a pair of shoes on that were the wrong size, would you? You’d just say “oh yeah its not the right fit”. Of course you’re good enough, you were born to be a champion and have the blood of a mighty warrior flowing through your veins as did the ancestors before you.

  14. I’m an autistic. I love explaining shit. I literally can’t hold myself when a person demonstrates to not know something about a thing and I happen to know that thing and the poor soul commits the heinous crime of asking me about it. I’ll teach everything I might know about the thing.

    Every other asperger I know acts exactly the same.

    I’ve been said to “mansplain” a lot.

    Thanks, I hate it.

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