14 year old guy here btw
A few days ago when I got out of school, a girl in my class came up to me and we walked together on our way home.
Nothing like this has ever happened so I was pretty surprised.
The girl in question is really nice and energetic and joke-y, so we’re almost complete opposites. I’m really boring and “stoic” whenever I talk to someone other than friends or family.
While we were walking we did have some conversations but she did most of the talking, which made me feel bad because it was obvious she wanted me to say more.
I mostly just said “yeah” and basic stuff like that.
It prob wasn’t so bad but I just feel like I could’ve done better.
Can someone give me any tips on what I did wrong (if I even did) and what can I do to change?
Sorry for any spelling mistakes btw.

1 comment
  1. Maybe next time you could try doing these if you find yourself in a similar scenario:

    1) When asked questions try not to give a one word answer for example, “are you ready for tomorrow’s quiz?”, you could respond by saying yes or no and leaving it there but you should aim to explain further e.g. “No because the topics are very confusing…”

    2) When someone asks you a question you could also ask them the same question after answering them. This way the conversation doesn’t seem one sided or like an interrogation.

    3) Admit your awkwardness/shyness. If you feel very shy you could, in a joking manner, say “Sorry, I’m a bit shy”. The person/people you’re interacting with will hopefully understand and make the interaction easier for you.

    4)Talk about something you and the person/people are aware of. This could be a TV show, a book, a funny incident at school, your school subjects or even your teachers. This will give you the opportunity to find something in common with others or have a healthy argument that could widen your perspective.

    Hope these help.

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