Went on 7 dates with a girl and last date she said she really really likes me and wants to continue seeing me. We don’t really text much, just to set up dates

I set up a date 2 weeks ago and she said she was really sick and wanted to reschedule and said she really misses me and can’t wait to see me. We set up another date a few days later and she is sick again day of the date. So with the little communication from her and 2 cancelled dates I assume she isn’t interested anymore.

I text her saying “its absolutely fine if you don’t want to meet anymore. I’d have appreciated if your communication was a little better”. She texted back within the hour saying how sorry she was and how much she likes me and that she really wants to keep hanging out. She told me after that she is really sick and has an issue with her immune system and she will text me when she feels better. It has been a week and nothing back yet. Should I just drop her and move on? Or should I text her asking if she is feeling better?

  1. As someone who has been chronically ill since having covid, im torn here. I’ve been in the same boat, I’ll really like a guy, then have a few weeks where I feel aweful. Sometimes I still try to see them, but I never feel like Im making a good impression. Especially before when I was vibrant and full of energy, and now Im very tired all the time and ill. MYbe she’s trying to wait until she can put her best foot forward?

    But I agree, her communication is terrible and it’s inconsiderate. Good communication is really important in a relationship, so this may be a blessing in disguise that you found out now that she isn’t a good communicator.

  2. Ehm, if she’s telling you she’s sick and I asume you also like her you don’t care if she’s feeling better? At least ask her how she’s feeling 👀

  3. it seems like she’s just sick, try setting up a virtual date and see what happens

  4. This is a very tough one. Most likely she is not interested enough to continue, but how you should proceed is very up in the air on whether to text or not

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