i’ve been dating this very conservative girl who is a virgin, but every time we are intimate and she gives me a hj or bj, she never lets me cum. she just loses interest halfway, and comes up with some excuse like “i don’t think you’re ready”, or “your dick is too sensitive”, and then just stops. i’m telling her she’s playing games and leaving me hanging, and she says she likes playing games because it keeps me interested. I’m thinking wtf? who does that? this has already happened 3 dates in a row, and i’ve been getting her off every date.

is this just her feeling uncomfortable with sex because she’s a virgin? she tells me she just got out of dating a guy who was bordering abusive in bed. or is she manipulating me by withholding sex?

what can i say to her?

  1. Your job is to tell her how you like to be touched. Tell her how you like it and how you don’t like it. If she disregards your wants, needs, and desires, then she is incredibly selfish. She doesn’t care about your needs, only what she wants to do.

    Mind you, this is a double edge sword. Ask her what her wants, needs, and desires are. Do you go out of your way to fulfill her needs? If it’s not reciprocated, you are not compatible. It is not a healthy relationship. This actually isn’t a tough one lol

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