What is one thing you hate about your partner but you can´t tell them?

  1. the way he chews. and eats. idk he looks like a damned snapping turtle reaching for fruit

  2. He can be really negative about everything when he’s had a bad day, and when he’s in mood he’ll start a five hour rant about why everything sucks. I’ll actively get up and walk away and start doing house stuff, and he’ll follow and stand there, not helping, just complaining.

    He’s just venting, but sometimes it’s exhausting, and I wish he could just focus on one good thing. Except when he does it’s how I’m so supportive and such a Ray of light in his life, and then I’m like : yeah I can never bring this up or he’ll have nothing to break the moaning cycle.

  3. His posture. He slouches so much I’m concerned he’ll be a hunchback in his thirties. He can stand up straight for a picture, but it’s hunched pretty much the rest of the time. Somehow no yoga teacher has ever corrected his cat/cow and somehow he thinks it’s normal to not be able to sleep on one’s back. I don’t know when, how, or if to bring this up. But i think of those 80 year old men whose bodies are like, always folded in half even when walking…

  4. That he still contributes to animal suffering. That he can’t see how the dairy industry is anti feminist and exploits female reproductive systems. That he thinks being compassionate towards beings other than humans is not a “male” thing to do.

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