Is it better to divorce and still live together to afford bills for both you and your husband? , or to stay married for another year until you both can afford to live solo? My friends told me it makes no sense to divorce if you are still planning on living together.

  1. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong. I would discuss it with the other person and do what works for you both.

    The only reason to divorce now, that I can think of, is to protect yourself from the other person taking on large amounts of debt and then trying to say it’s martial debt

  2. I would divorce when it makes sense but start with an in-house separation if possible.

  3. I would always divorce but make sure the decree includes the living agreement in writing.

  4. Ask a lawyer. It might be better to legally seperate via divorce. You might have to be seperated a certain length of time before divorce and starting now may or may not help because you would still live together.

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