Im a 25m and I don’t double text matches on dating apps. Once a person stops responding to me I just leave the convo alone, no biggie thats the dating game now. I’m a believer of equal effort on both sides. How often, if at all, do you double text matches?

  1. the only person i’ll double text is my mother because she usually doesn’t hear when her phone dings the first time. i never double text anyone else tho, especially someone i’m dating or trying to get to know. if they don’t reply, idc and move on

  2. I double text if something can be planned. Like “it’s gonna be nice Thursday if you want to come hike.” After that it’s on them.

  3. Yeah 32M- here’s my experience : double texting has worked for me (in garnering an initial response). But every single time it worked initially, it eventually phased out (meaning the woman due to realizing her power, ghosted me again at some point). It’s sad to admit but the reality is your dating prospects online are about as good as luck. If the girl you’re talking to meets someone better, she’ll drop you in an instant. Guys do this too, but we all know the power in dating apps sits majorly with women.

  4. I guess I need to start keeping score. I never do, I just pay attention to consistency. So I’ve double texted here and there but if there’s like an 8:2 ratio at the end of the day I’ll dip until I see effort into their part.

  5. You’re wayyy overthinking it. Double texting is fine, but don’t sound desperate. Give it a day and then text something totally different. Like tell her you found a wombat on Facebook marketplace and if she wants to buy it, or some random shit.

    Also it’s fine if the conversation dies. I was dating a girl who often left me on read, granted I wasn’t asking a question so she didn’t necessarily have to respond. And then a day later she would text me in the morning about the latest in her life. But she kept coming back. So a conversation ending isn’t a nail in the coffin, sometimes it’s just a breather.

    Rule of thumb: text a girl like you text a friend. Keep it interesting, don’t overthink it, go with the flow.

  6. If you think it’s worth it, do it! In my experience strict rules re: this stuff don’t stick anyway and life has a way of surprising you!

    Personally if I don’t feel like double texting it’s a way to recognize that I wasn’t into them all that much either?

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